Chapter 45

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"How's my girl?" Don asked turning to Meryl where they were sitting at the prosecution's table. After a few days delaying the trial so Meryl could avoid stress, and to rest, they were back at the courthouse. Dr. Abbott, Don's neurosurgeon, their previous doorman and different police officers had all testified. Don was worried about how she was holding up.

Meryl stroked his cheek. "I'm really okay, sweetheart. It was hell remembering everything you went through; but I'm so grateful you were here holding my hand through it."

"I would do it over and over again for you and our family." Don said strongly.

Meryl knew he meant it but she prayed it would never come to that again. "Please, don't."

"Okay, the Streeps are up next." Larry said coming over to them. "I'll present the evidence this afternoon. Then tomorrow we have Mann testifying then closing arguments."

Don breathed deeply. "Do you think he'll return a verdict tomorrow? With it being Friday and all."

"I really do." Larry said. "M, if at any time you need us to stop please tell us."

Meryl nodded. "I will. I think the worse part will be his testimony."

"If I need to get you out of here, I will." Don said putting his arm around her.

Meryl smiled at him. "I know, Don, I don't want to hide."

"Sorry we're late." Mary said as she and Harry rushed into the courtroom.

Harry and Mary greeted Don, Meryl and Larry before taking their seats. "Traffic was a bitch."

"You all are more than welcome to stay with us." Don offered to his in-laws.

Mary smiled at her son-in-law. "Thank you, honey, Jersey isn't far. Someone was just slow this morning."

"Me?" Harry laughed.

Just then the judge walked in as everyone rose. The Streeps and Gummers were trying their best to ignore Mann and his lawyer. "Your witness, ADA."

"The prosecution calls Mary Wilkinson Streep." Larry said.

Mary kissed Meryl and Don as she walked up and took the oath then sitting down. "Mrs. Streep, can you tell me about your son-in-law?"

"Don?" Mary smiled. "He is a wonderful father and artist. Non one could ever love my daughter like he loves her; or protect her with the fierceness he protects her and their children with."

Don and Meryl smiled at each other right before Baxter popped up. "Objection. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Your honor, the defense has tried to say the victims don't love each other. I am trying to shine a light on the truth." Larry explained.

The judge nodded. "Overruled."

"What did you think when Meryl first started dating Don?" Larry asked.

Mary took a deep breath. "I was concerned. She had just lost her boyfriend and then a few months later was head over heels in love. I didn't want this to be a rebound and her get hurt. As soon as Meryl brought Don home to us I knew it was the real thing. When Don asked our blessing to ask her to marry him we shared our concerns; we didn't want Meryl to get hurt. We saw in their eyes whenever they looked at each other that it wasn't. While we were still concerned it soon evaporated and Don immediately became a part of our family. He is as much a part of our family as Meryl is."

"Thank God for you." Meryl whispered in his ear.

Don kissed her hand. "Thank God for you."

"How did you find out that your daughter, son-in-law and grandson?" Larry asked.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now