Chapter 90

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Two weeks had past and things were going well for the Gummers. Meryl and Don were both physically healing. Meryl even got to a point where she could sleep with only a night light on. They enjoyed spending time together as a family as they continued to heal. While Don and Meryl had not been released yet to make love, because of Meryl's pregnancy, they felt closer than ever. They felt that nothing could ever come between them. That they were rock solid. Little did they know that another storm was hanging over their heads. A storm that would test their rock solid foundation more than Kevin Mann, James and Peggy ever had.


Don and Meryl decided to take Henry and go to their home upstate for awhile. Mary and Harry Streep felt that Don and Meryl needed some time alone after everything that had happened, and before the baby came, so they offered to take Henry for the weekend. They were surprised when Don and Meryl agreed and took them up on it. As hard as it was for Don and Meryl to let Henry out of their sights they knew it was for the best, not only for their marriage but also for Henry; so they agreed. But they said it was only for 2 nights.


Don had just loaded Henry and his belongings into Mary and Harry Streep's car. They had come out to their Millerton, NY home to take Henry for the weekend.  When Don went upstairs to see if Meryl was up from her nap yet he found her shaking and crying on the bed; he immediately ran over to, taking her into his arms in an instant. "Baby, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare, sweetheart? He's not going to get to any of you ever again, I promise you my love."

 "No, it's not that." Meryl cried.

 "It hurts, Don, it hurts so bad."

Don held her tight and she was extremely cold and clammy. "What does, baby? What hurts?"

"I'm cramping, it hurts so bad." Meryl cried against his chest.

Don kissed her head. This was how his last nightmare started when she was still in that shitty warehouse. He was scared to death. This couldn't be happening, not now, not with everything Meryl and the baby survived. This absolutely could NOT be happening. "Okay sweetheart, I'm getting you to the hospital...NOW."

"Oh, it hurts." Meryl cried as he lifted her in his arms.

 "It hurts so badly. It hurts worse than contractions with Henry."

Don carried her down the stairs as gingerly as possible; and his heart was BREAKING. Not only was he terrified of them losing the baby but he also hated that him carrying her was causing her pain. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry."

"Don, what if I lose our baby?" Meryl cried.

 "Not now; this can't be happening now. Not after everything we have been through. We were finally getting back on track. I fought so hard for this baby. YOU have fought so hard for all of us."

Don let a stray tear roll down his cheek. That was his greatest fear in the moment. He knew that her struggles with preeclampsia weren't on their side.  "Let's just see what the doctor says."


Don was in the waiting room pacing back and forth. He was furious that they wouldn't let him go back with his wife; after all he was back there during her labor and c-section with Henry. She had been through so fucking much and all he wanted was to be there for her. She was screaming and crying in pain, and wouldn't let go of his hand. Begging him not to leave her, to stay with her. He felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest as he pried his hand from hers. It was one of the hardest things he ever had to do; but knew he had to not only for her but for their baby as well. He begged the doctor to let him in there, but they told him it would be best if he wasn't. After telling her over and over that he loved her no matter what and placing several kisses on her lips she was taken from him and he was left pacing the waiting room. He was left with his thoughts. He was left with his heart breaking. He was left wishing he was with her in those moments more than anything in the world. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her doctor come out with a serious look on her face. "How is my wife? Our baby?"

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon