Chapter 8

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"Here you go, M." Larry said handing her some water and crackers. "Don would never forgive me if I didn't make you eat. He also wouldn't forgive me if he knew I let you out of my sight for more than 30 seconds."

Meryl laughed at her husband's best friend. "I won't tell him. I'm really not hungry."

"I know, but you need to eat. Do it for Don." Larry laughed as she did.  "M, I am not going anywhere, I want you to know that. But, would you like me to call your parents or Third or Dana?"

Meryl sighed. "I don't want my parents to come up here; as much as I want to see our baby, and I know Don will right now, they really need to stay home with him and his strep throat. I might have you call Third in a little bit. Dana was leaving today to be gone all week on business. Besides, unless my parents said something to them, which I doubt they did, my brothers don't even know what's going on."

"Jane?" Larry asked cautiously.

This caused Meryl to run her fingers forcefully through her hair. "Oh, Larry, I don't know. I know she's his mother and deserves to know; but that means James will know."

"The new and improved James?" Larry asked shaking his head.

Meryl let out a cynical laugh. Ever since James' car wreck and recovery he was supposedly new and improved. Only Don's mom and brothers believed it. Don, Meryl, Larry, Liz and Meryl's family didn't buy it for a second. "Yeah, right. I sure don't want the old James, or the new and improved James, or whoever the fuck he is anywhere near my husband. Not now. I don't know if I will EVER feel comfortable with that. I know Don feels the same way when it comes to us as well. I won't tell his side unless I have his blessing to do so. I do really appreciate you being here, I can't tell you how much."

"I meant what I said. Besides, I don't need numb nuts coming after 'ole chicken shit." Larry said making Meryl laugh.

Meryl just shook her head. "You two."

"Mrs. Gummer?" The doctor asked walking in.

Meryl immediately stood up. "What's wrong with my husband?"

"Please, sit, Mrs. Gummer." The doctor said as Larry helped her sit down. "We are prepping him for surgery right now. Your husband suffered strangulation which can be very serious. That is why we did a scan on him because it can cause unseen damage."

Meryl nodded as she wiped away her tears. "Go on."

"There is swelling in his windpipe and cutting off air flow. We need to reconstruct it. We also need to restore blood flow to his veins in that area. It is a tricky surgery but we have the best surgeon on the east coast on call and is scrubbing up right now." The doctor said handing Meryl authorization papers.

Meryl was trying to understand all this. "If he doesn't have the surgery?"

"Then we'll lose him." The doctor said frankly.

Larry wrapped his arm around Meryl. "I know this is a lot to take in, M, but this is what's best for Don."

"I know." Meryl cried as she signed the papers as 'ML Gummer.'

The doctor took the papers from her. "We gave him stitches to his head and he has a concussion which is the least of our concern at the moment."

"Can I see him before surgery?" Meryl choked in a whisper. "Please, I need to see him."


"Baby?" Meryl whispered as she kissed her husband's sleeping lips and smiled when she saw him open those beautiful blue eyes. "Hey there, my Don Man."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now