Chapter 65

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Meryl had been thinking about this and looked up at him with serious eyes. "I need closure, Don. I need to see that place again, with you. I need to see Mann. I need to see him behind bars. I need to see Mann."

"Meryl..." Don sighed until he looked into her eyes.

Meryl swallowed past the lump that formed in her throat when she saw the look of fear in his eyes. "Don, please just hear me out."

"Of course." Don said with a kiss to her forehead as he got up and held his hand out to her to help her up. "I think we should go back inside for this conversation."

Meryl nodded as he unlocked the door and she pushed Henry's stroller back inside the apartment. "Well, he fell asleep."

"Yeah, he woke up really early and I was afraid he would wake you up, so I just got up with him." Don said as they walked further into the apartment and Don walked towards the sofa. "Leave him in his stroller and come sit down, M."

Meryl nodded as she kissed Henry's head and went over to sit next to Don. "I'm not sure where to start."

"Start with what happened when we were leaving." Don said tucking her hair behind her ear. "Do you know?"

Meryl nodded. "I heard the door close and I was transported back to that room. I think I told you how the first night I had a dream about you, me and Henry at the park like we were earlier that day but Mann shot you and took us. That vision flashed in my mind. I was terrified if we left then he would kill you. I can't lose you, Don."

"You won't, baby." Don said with a kiss to both of her hands. "Then you had the panic attack."

Meryl nodded. "I keep thinking he's going to come back to kill you and take us because there's no closure. There won't be a trial; not like I want one but I won't see him sentenced. I need closure. I need to SEE him in maximum security so I can see and know he won't get out. I can't stop feeling the draft and fear from that warehouse. I want to go there with you. See it with the lights on. See that there is nothing to be afraid of. See that Hen and I won't ever go there again. See that you won't be shot there again."

"I get it." Don said taking all of this in. "You really think this will help you and not make things worse for you?"

Meryl smiled at his concern and stroked his cheek. "Yeah baby, I really do think so. I'm not saying it won't be difficult or unnerving at the time but I think in the long run it will help give me some closure."

"Okay." Don breathed. "I want to call Larry and talk to him about this. I just want you to see him on security cameras in a private room. I don't want that fucker to lay eyes on you. I want you to see what you need to see and that's it. I don't want him to know that he's even breathing the same recirculated air as you."

Meryl nodded. "Larry can go with me that way you aren't anywhere near-"

"HELL NO!" Don exclaimed. "There is no way in HELL you are going through this without me."

Tears sprang to Meryl's eyes. "Don, last time I insisted on seeing him he bashed your head against the wall and fucking strangled you. I mean it when I say I can't let anything happen to you."

"I know, baby; and I mean it when I say you aren't doing this without me and I can't let anything happen to you." Don said with a kiss to her lips. "We only go if Larry promises me you will be safe in a private room. Are you okay with that?"

Meryl nodded. "Yes; and thank you, Don. I know this isn't easy on you but you are doing whatever you can to help me."

"Hey, you're my girl." Don winked. "I would do ANYTHING for you as long as it involves keeping you and Henry safe."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now