Chapter 2

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Meryl tried to sleep all night but she couldn't. She just couldn't get that awful interview and subsequent note out of her head. She just didn't understand how and why people thought she cheated on John with Don. A part of her died when John did. She was simply trying to get through her days and survive when Don walked into her life, and her heart. John wasn't coming back and she knew he wanted her to move on when she found the right person. When Don walked into her life, and her heart, he taught her how to move on with her life just like John made her promise she would do. John was always a part of her. Don whisked her off her feet and opened her eyes to a life of color and light and love. He breathed life back into her and literally saved her; he was the reason why she was able to draw breath. They never intended on having a baby so early but he was an injection of love and joy in their lives. They both felt like they were who they were meant to be as husband and wife and also as Henry's parents. She was so tired of how people judged hers and Don's relationship, and now Henry. Now because she allowed herself to love again, something she would never EVER regret, she was being threatened as well as the two most important people in her life. She didn't know this person. She didn't know if he was a friend of John's. She didn't know why he was targeting her and her family. 

She was brought out of her thoughts as she looked up at him, her Don. She thanked God every day that he came into her life. She meant what she had said before, many men had asked her to marry them but it never felt right until Don. Yes, she loved and adored John and was so grateful for their time together but there was a reason Don came into her life when he did; to help restore her faith in life and love again after losing John. He laid there with one arm around her as she laid with her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, and his other arm was laying on Henry's play pen. She smiled that even in his sleep he was trying to protect them. Then her heart hurt that they had to go through this. There was so much for her to wrap her mind around that she knew she should just give up on sleep. As she carefully disentangled herself from his embrace she placed a sweet kiss on his lips and smiled at the small smile that crept on his lips when she did; warming her heart just as it always did. She then threw on some clothes and saw that their son had stood up in the play pen with his arms extended. She quickly went over to him before he woke up Don; she knew he needed his sleep as she felt him toss and turn almost all night as well. "There's Mama's boy; I sure do love you, Henry Gummer." Meryl smiled as she inhaled his scent and placed kisses on his face. "Let's go get a Saturday morning surprise for Daddy and let him sleep."


Don woke up in a start when he heard banging at their door and no longer felt his wife in his arms. He jumped up and saw the play pen was empty. His heart immediately sank. "MERYL?!" He ran into Henry's room and she wasn't there. "HENRY?!" Her purse was there by the front door. The pounding on the door finally stopped. He couldn't care less who was at the door; he had to find his wife and son. He ran through the entire apartment only to find that they were nowhere to be seen and there was no note. "Darl?!"  Don ran his hands through his hair. His first thought was whoever this fucker was somehow got to them. He then ran to the door to see who was there; he didn't see anyone but a note taped to the door got his attention as he began to sweat and fear rose up inside of him. His hands were shaking as he tore it from it's taped place on his door and read the words: Mr. Mary Louise Streep. He took the envelope and ran to compare it to the handwriting on the letter she received the night before. He didn't even read it. He was afraid he didn't have time. Don's heart was beating faster as he felt the bile rise in his throat. He sat there, shaking, looking at the unopened envelope in his hand. He couldn't bring himself to open it. He was afraid if he opened it then he would know the fate of the two most important people in his life. However, he was afraid that if he didn't open it then he was somehow writing their fate as well. Don took a deep breath as he opened up the envelope.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now