Chapter 46

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Don was finishing up his morning rituals in the bathroom and was surprised to walk into the bedroom to find his wife still in her robe sitting on the bed, crying and holding her stomach. Don immediately went over to her and knelt in front of her. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you in pain? Is it your blood pressure?"

"I'm so tired, Don." Meryl choked. "I'm tired of putting you through this. I'm tired of the lies. I'm tired of him looking at you like he's plotting your death. I'm just tired."

Don sighed as he sat up next to her on the bed. "I know, sweetheart. After today the worse really will be over. Remember what you just said, anything that comes out of his mouth will be a lie. He can't get to me or Henry; and he sure as hell can't get to you or the baby that's for damn sure. As for putting me through this; you haven't put me through anything. There is nowhere else in this world I would rather be. Just get through today, baby. Then tomorrow we will get to witness that fucker paying for all he's done."

"I sure hope so." Meryl said giving him a weak smile.

Don turned her head so he could wipe her tears and tenderly kiss her lips. "It WILL happen. You know, tomorrow is Friday. How would you feel about a date night?"

"Really?" Meryl asked as her eyes lit up with love for him.

Don smiled as he kissed her forehead. "Really, just you and me celebrating. Ever since Dana started dating this new girl..."

"Mary." Meryl chuckled cutting off what her husband was saying. "Her name is Mary which means she will probably become a Streep."

Don laughed at how many Marys were in their family already. "You're probably right. Anyways, since Mary they are always offering to watch Hen. Why don't we see if they'll come over and watch him? I'll buy Dana beer as payment."

"Then I'm sure he would." Meryl smiled as she kissed him. "Thank you, Don Man."

Don just winked at her. "No need to thank me. I'm selfish, I want you all to myself after this hellish week."

"I like it when we're both selfish where the other is concerned." Meryl smiled. "Thank you for making me feel better."

Don stood up and then pulled her to him. "You start getting ready and I'll make you my specialty."

"Toast?" Meryl teased knowing how much he loved toast.

Don kissed her cheek as he walked away. "You love it. I'll be right back."

Meryl took a deep breath as she began getting ready for the day ahead. She knew with Don by her side she would be able to get through it.


"It will be fine." Don said turning to Meryl as they waited for the judge. "You know how damn much I love you?"

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "Oh boy, do I." She winked as she stroked the mole underneath his right eye. "Do you have any clue how fucking much I love you?"

"I know that better than anything." Don leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "I also think it's hot when you say fucking."

Meryl threw her head back and let out her dirty laugh. "Don."

"We'll pick this up later." He winked as he grabbed her hand just as the judge walked in.

Once the judge was seated. He looked at Baxter. "The defense's witnesses are up today. Mr. Baxter?"

"The defense calls the defendant, Kevin Mann to the stand."  Baxter said.

As Mann got up in chains and started to walk towards the witness stand he veered towards where Meryl was sitting and pumped his hips. "So fuckable."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now