Chapter 4

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"Wh-what do you mean pack?" Meryl was shaking. This had to be a nightmare. It just had to be. She wanted to go back to bed then wake up only to find that this all was a horrific nightmare. She wanted to be safe. She wanted Henry to be safe. She wanted Don to be safe. She wanted to go back to their life that though it had ups and downs was pretty much perfect. What was most important to her was that her two great loves were safe, Don and Henry.

Don began cleaning the kitchen even quicker. "Pack. We're leaving the city. We're going out to the country where we're all safe. Where I can protect you both better. We are just wide open here in this city. Our address in Millerton isn't in any phonebook. None of our bills go there. It will be safer." Don said with a kiss to her head as he went over to double check the locks on the front door. "FUCK! He was fucking standing in front of me last night and I didn't even know it. He was at my fingertips and I let him fucking get away. I am so sorry, baby." Don choked as he sat down on the couch, shaking.

"What are you talking about?" Meryl asked as she sat down next to him.

Don took a deep breath as he turned to her. "He was here, baby, he delivered our food. I mean I had NO idea it was him, obviously, or I would have fucking killed this son of a bitch."

"I know." Meryl choked. "I'm glad you didn't cause who the hell knows what he would have done to you!"

Don reached forward to wipe her tears. "I thought he was looking around too much while I was paying but then thought I was just being paranoid because of everything. It was HIM! That is why we are getting the fuck out of here. We need to go as soon as possible. We'll just take the necessities for the three of us. We have most stuff besides clothes out there. We'll buy Hen food and diapers when we get there if we have to. I just want-"

"Don." Meryl began as she cut off what he was saying. "Maybe I'll just pack for the two of you. Yeah, I think you two should go to Europe. Someplace safe. We already have a passport for Henry because of being in England and France."

Don thought she had completely lost her mind. "What are you saying, Meryl?"

"I'm who he wants. If he finds out you two are gone then he'll come after me; and then Larry can catch him. I can't let him get to you two. I can't do it, Don Man. You two are more important to me than anything else in the whole world. If I have to offer myself to him so we can catch him, you two are safe and we can get back to living our lives in fucking harmony then I'll do it." Meryl broke down in hysterical sobs. "Do"

Don immediately cupped her face in his hands to make her look at him. "No fucking way in hell. You are not going to be a sitting target while I am in another fucking country. I can't even bring myself to think about what he could do to you while Larry and the police try to catch him. I said for better or worse, baby. This is the worse part. You, me and Henry are family. We belong together. You are my wife, the love of my life, we share everything. I am going to be right there with you every step of the way. He's not going to win. Me taking Henry to Europe would be letting him win."

"I just can't let anything happen to the two of you." Meryl continued to sob as he took her in his arms. "I will never forgive myself. This is all my fault."

Don pulled away and crushed his lips to hers. Showing her how much he loved her. He then pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers. "This is NOT your fault, my love, not in a million years. We are going to tackle this together. The first step is making sure we are all safe. Let's work together to trap this fucker, what do you say?"

"Yes, Don." Meryl choked. "I say, yes. I am with you in anything and everything, for better or worse, ALWAYS."

Don softly pressed his lips to hers but the thought of something happening to her spurred him on to keeping the kiss. He quickly swept his tongue in her mouth and was met with his tongue. What started out as a tender kiss turned into kiss after kiss of passion and need. When Meryl climbed up on his lap, moving roughly against him and devouring his lips and tongue, Don knew he needed to stop it as much as he hated to. He regretfully pulled his mouth away from hers, breathing as if he just ran up the stairs to their apartment on the 10th floor. "Baby, as much as I would love to continue this I want us to be safe first. Can you pack for the three of us while I continue to clean up and make the loft ready for us to be gone for awhile? I also want to call Larry."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now