Chapter 36

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The next few days were absolute bliss for Don and Meryl; and baby Henry. They loved it being just the three of them as it had been almost a month since it was just the three of them living as a family. Yes they were all together at her parents' house but it just wasn't the same. They could tell how much Henry loved having his parents all to himself and they dedicated themselves to him having as much as that as possible in the next five months before the baby came. They would eat their meals out on the balcony. During the day they would visit galleries and parks with Henry. They ate wonderful desserts out on the street. At night they would read poems to one another, from poetry books they found at book stores, either in the bathtub or in bed. Then every night they would make love. Don was relieved that Meryl's fears and insecurities seemed to have melted away; as had his. He knew the fears and insecurities for both of them would come back; but he also knew they would get through it together. They both felt that their love and marriage and bond had never been stronger. Don was relieved that Meryl was relaxed and at peace; after all that was the whole purpose of the trip. Their time together had the desired effect and he was bound and determined to keep that momentum going when they returned back to the states at the end of their trip. Don had a reason for wanting to come to Florence. As Don watched his wife sleep on their bed in the apartment with their son he went to his bag and took out the reason for wanting to come to Florence and took out pen and paper and wrote a letter to his wife; which was a catalyst for their love almost 3 years ago.


Meryl woke up in the morning disappointed Don was no longer in bed with her. When she reached over to his pillow she smiled when she saw an envelope lying their with "My Girl" written in his penmanship on it. She immediately sat up to read the letter and smiled when she saw rose petals on the floor of their bedroom leading to the door. She had no idea what he was up to but she couldn't wait to find out as she excitedly ripped open the envelope and found a letter, again, written in his beautiful penmanship. She also found a padlock which confused her.

Good Morning My Love,

Does this remind you of anything? Almost three years ago I was here in Florence writing letters to you; and receiving letters from you. I knew from the moment I kissed your hand in that little screening room that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. However, when we started writing to one another I began falling deeper in love with you from every letter I received. 

I told you I wanted us to come here so you could heal; so our family could heal and I think we're on the road to healing. That's what it is, I know it's a road that will have bumps and twists and turns along the way; but I am so glad you chose me to travel on that road with you. Part of the reason I wanted to come here is because I began falling in love with you and your penmanship here; another reason is I wanted to show you that our love can overcome anything. Our lives together are an unforeseen journey; but you and our family are the light that guides my path. I wanted us to come here so we can place our lock on Ponte Vecchio. Legend has it that if you and your loved one attach a padlock to any surface of the famous bridge and then throw away the key into the Arno River below, your love will last forever. I have no doubt that our love will last forever; I want to show you and our son that no matter what happens that our love will last forever, our family will last forever. Follow the rose petals to your second surprise of the morning. 

I love You more than there are stars in the sky!

Ti Amo,

Your Don Man

Meryl quickly jumped out of bed, threw on her robe, and followed the rose petals out the door and down the hallway. She quickly peeked into Henry's room and was happy to find him asleep, as she hoped to have some alone time with her handsome husband after the beautiful letter and surprise. She continued to follow the rose petals onto the balcony; but she was disappointed that he wasn't out there waiting for her. She did find a cup of orange juice, a mug of tea, that was still hot, and her Italian pastry with chocolate on her plate and fresh fruit. Next to her plate was another envelope that said "Darl." She smiled and shook her head at her incredibly romantic husband.

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now