Chapter 15

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"Excuse me? Did you say I'm pregnant?" Meryl asked in total shock.

Mary looked at her daughter in surprise, happiness and shock. "I thought you said this morning that you weren't pregnant."

"I wasn't!" Meryl exclaimed. "I mean, I guess I was but I didn't now I was. I just took a pregnancy test about a month or so ago and wasn't pregnant. I don't know, my calendar is at home."

The doctor smiled. "It was probably too soon to know then. Have you had your period? I take it this wasn't planned?"

"No, I haven't but I was told it was normal for things to be off as I got off the birth control pill. It's not that it wasn't planned; we have been trying since New Years but it wasn't happening. We used every form of birth control and got pregnant with our son VERY quickly and unexpectedly; now we've been using nothing and it took a little while." Meryl said.

The doctor nodded. "Sometimes it happens like that. I know you have a lot going on with what is going on with your husband but I would like you to see your OBGYN in the next month or so. I will have the nurse get you some prenatal vitamins. All of your other levels are fine. You need to hydrate, eat and rest as much as you can. I'll be back in a little bit."

"Doctor wait." Meryl said urgently. "I want an ultrasound to make sure everything is okay with the baby. It's just strange that I recently took a test and it said I wasn't pregnant."

The doctor reassuringly took Meryl's hand in hers. "Mrs. Gummer it isn't unusual for home tests to show a false negative. Having a scan this early usually isn't covered under insurance."

"I understand and I'll pay." Meryl said stressed. "I just need to make sure."

Mary took Meryl's hand in hers. "Sweetie, don't you want Don to be with you when you see the baby for the first time?"

"Of course I would, Mama. I would love for my husband not to have his head drilled open right now. I would love nothing more than for Don to be holding my hand right now as we find out about our second baby; a baby we have been hoping and trying for. Unfortunately, he's not; he is fighting for his life, our lives. I know Don and he is going to worry with everything that's happened that something is wrong with me or the baby. I need to be able to tell him we are both fine. Maybe even give him a picture?" Meryl asked hopefully as the doctor nodded signaling she would be right back.

Mary noticed Meryl was staring off into space, twirling her wedding ring. "Honey, this is fabulous news in the midst of all this darkness. You and Don are amazing parents. Henry and this new little one are so lucky."

"What if he doesn't make it, Mom?" Meryl choked as she looked up to her mother with tears in her eyes as she placed her hand on her flat belly. "Don is my partner and is the best father in the world. What if he dies before he even knows about this baby? What if Don never gets to meet him or her? What if this baby never feels how much Don loves and wants it? What if Don makes it through surgery but doesn't remember me or Henry? What if he doesn't remember our life, love and connection? What if he doesn't remember how much we've been wanting this baby?"

Mary turned to her daughter. "No, Mary Louise, don't go there. Don will be fine, I know it in my heart. He wouldn't leave his family; he's too damn stubborn. Don is going to make it and he is going to be Don again. The Don that drives you crazy with his overprotectiveness. The Don that is hopelessly in love with you and Henry; and this baby. The Don that hangs onto your every word and lights up when you walk into the room. The Don who can't keep his hands off of you." Meryl laughed at what her mother said. They were always being caught touching or kissing one another at her parents' house when they went over for visits. "Don is going to be there every step of the way through this pregnancy just as he was with Henry. Don will be holding your hand as you bring this baby into the world just as he was with Henry. You and Don will be amazing parents to this little peanut just as you are to Henry."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now