Chapter 84

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"Mr. James Walter Gummer." Judge Garrison began. "You absolutely sicken me. Not just from leading a man with severe psychosis to your family, buying the warehouse where he held your grandson and daughter-in-law and terrorized them, buying a gun that was used in your son's attempted murder and knowing it was going be used for that reason and from denying this when the evidence is there; but also how you have treated your son his entire life. You are a danger to your son, his wife and their children. You deserve to rot in a jail cell for as long as Kevin Mann; however, you are lucky that your charges aren't severe enough for that. I find you GUILTY of all charges and here by sentence you to 8 years in jail. You will not have ANY contact with Don, Meryl, Henry or Baby Gummer. I find out you do and you will be sorry. I am also placing another protective order against you for their safety. You have tried to kill your son too many times and I am NOT giving you another opportunity. Jane Gummer, I am also aghast at the things you dais and did to your daughter-in-law after she and your grandson were terrorized and she was raped; none of us can imagine what she has gone through. She was already living in unimaginable fear and you threatened to take away two people who make her feel love and safety. I understand why your son made arrangements for his family to be safe from you and your husband. I understand you have broken the protective order but your son is pressing charges. If I HEAR that you have attempted to make contact then I will take legal action. Mr. and Mrs. Gummer, I am sorry that you had to go through this trial in addition to everything else you have gone through. I will be working with Judge Golden in New York as well as Larry Brown to make sure you NEVER have to worry about James Gummer. Court is adjourned."

Meryl leaned forward in her seat, burying her face in her hands, as she let all the emotions she had been feeling out. Don immediately took her into his arms and noticed that she immediately held onto him, TIGHTLY. Larry and Mike looked at him and he shook his head. "Baby, what is it? This is WONDERFUL news, Darl. He is going to PAY for his part in this AWFUL nightmare. Not long enough in my opinion; but maybe he will finally get the picture NOT to mess with you or Henry or the baby."


Don looked at Mike and Larry as they motioned that they would meet him and Meryl outside. "He didn't baby; he's not going to."

"Was so...SCARED." Meryl continued to sob. "Can't"

Don continued to comfort her as he heard a voice he did NOT want to hear. "Don?"

"NO!" Don glared at his mother. "Did you not hear the judge? You stay the hell away from her and Henry; and the baby. You all created this mess. You all created my fear of losing her and our children; the BEST things that have EVER happened to me. When her world was crashing around her YOU made her BELIEVE that she isn't enough for me. She and our children are MORE than I ever dreamed I would have after growing up in your shithole of a family. STAY. AWAY." Don watched as his mother walked away and went over to James. "You're okay, sweetheart, we're all okay."

Meryl lifted her head and leaned her forehead against his. "Ever since Thanksgiving I was terrified he wasn't going to stop until he killed you."

"I know." Don whispered as he kissed her tears away.

Meryl tried to take calming breaths. "He damn near succeeded three weeks ago. When Hal told me that your heart stopped on the table..."

"I had a reason to live, to fight: you and our amazing children. Baby, this is a new beginning for us. James, Peggy and Mann are all in jail. We are healing. The forces that tried to tear us apart ONLY brought us closer together. Please calm down, Darl." Don sighed. "I hate seeing you like this."

Meryl finally gave him a small smile. "I love you so damn much, Donald Gummer."

"Oh baby, you have NO idea how much I love and adore you." Don smiled at her. "New beginning."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now