Chapter 87

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Don woke up after not sleeping too terribly long; but he was so glad and relieved that he and Meryl made up and that he could help Meryl through her fears and insecurities. He wanted to continue to do so and he hoped a relaxed day in "their place" would be just the time to do it. He frowned when he saw she was no longer in ned between him and Larry but then he smiled at the note she left for him on his pillow. He rubbed his eyes to adjust to the light as he read the note.

Morning Handsome,

You and Henry looked so cute laying there that I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I hope you slept as well as you made sure I slept. If you wake up before Henry, come join me in the kitchen. He'll be okay since the lights are on.

I love you so much, 

Your Girl

Don smiled that she seemed to be in a much better place than the day and night before. He looked over and smiled at Henry sleeping away. He had NO idea how he slept through everything that happened the night before. With a kiss to his sleeping son's head he got out of bed and went to shower his wife with love and attention.


Meryl was feeling so much better after the night before. Not only was she glad that Don seemed better; but she was glad they talked about some things that they needed to talk about and that they were closer than ever. She knew that they could handle whatever came their way; especially after the last few months. Meryl smiled as she felt her favorite pair of arms snake their way around her waist and the only lips she ever wanted to touch her skin flit their way over her neck. "Morning, my Don Man."

"You made me toast." Don smirked as the toast popped up in the toaster.

Meryl smiled as she turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck; running her fingers along his handsome face. "Only the best for my husband."

"How are ya, gorgeous?" Don asked as he placed a slow and loving kiss on her lips.

Meryl smiled broadly as their lips parted. "Amazing; especially after that kiss. Again, I'm sorry about..."

"Uh uh." Don said kissing her lips, again. "We have moved past it. We are closer than ever and talked about things that needed to talk about. Besides, I'm sorry too."

Meryl shook her head as she smiled at him and stroked the mole under his right eye. "If I can't apologize anymore then neither can you."

"In case the day gets away from me I want you to know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, Mrs. Gummer." Don said kissing all over her face. "I love you so damn much."

Meryl moaned as Don trailed his lips down her neck. "I love you more than anything, Mr. Gummer. I'm so fucking glad I have you."

"Always." Don said just as they heard little footsteps.

Henry ran in the room. "DADDY!"

"There's our big guy." Don said as Meryl bent down to pick him up and Don took him from her. "Daddy needs to kiss his buddy."

Henry giggled at his father then placed his little hands on Don's face. "Daddy no go bye bye. Daddy go bye bye last night. Daddy no sweep me and Mama."

"That's my fault." Meryl sighed as she gave Don a sad look.

Don shook his head as he kissed her lips. "No, it's not." Don then turned his attention back to Henry. "Daddy did sleep with you and Mommy. I was just in the living room before I came to bed. When Mommy or Daddy have to go bye-bye to work and stuff we ALWAYS come back."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now