Chapter 80

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"The prosecution calls Mary Louise Gummer to the stand." Mike said when court began.

Meryl kissed Don's lips as he stood up with her. "I love you, my Don Man."

"I love you so damn much, my girl." Don tried to give her an assuring smile. "I'll be right here ready to carry you off that stand if I need to."

Meryl smiled and nodded as he sat down next to Larry. Don then felt a hand squeezed his. Don smiled when he saw it was his "chosen mom." "Mags, what are you doing here?"

"Henry is fine with Liz." Maggie smiled knowing he would worry about his son. "Since you couldn't count on your own mother for support and Mary is back in Connecticut I thought your other mom should be here."

Don teared up as he hugged her. "Thank you; I don't want her to go through this."

"I don't want either of you to." Maggie said as they turned their attention to Meryl.

Mike could see the worried look on Meryl's face and went up to her. "Hen is fine; she's here for you and Don."

"I'm glad." Meryl nodded.

Mike then went into DA mode. "Mrs. Gummer, please tell us about your relationship with your father-in-law."

"When I think of the things he has done to my husband my heart hurts." Meryl choked as she saw Don smiling at her while Maggie was holding his hand. "The first time I met him was the morning of our wedding and he put Don and our wedding down. He told me our marriage would fail like Don's first one and that the wedding was a joke. My father heard this and I guess talked to him; and James told him I was just a notch in Don's belt. My father talked to Don who of course said it wasn't true; and it's not. I'll never forget the fear in Don's voice when he called me while I was getting ready for the wedding after my father told him the things he overheard and the things James said to him. He was terrified I would call off the wedding; it never entered my mind. My husband has saved me in many different ways; he does so every damn day of our lives. The next day at the family brunch I saw another glimpse into the abuse my husband received over his lifetime; but that was nothing compared to things James later did to him. I remember right after we were married I asked Don why he never wanted us to come visit; I thought it was because he was ashamed of me. I should have known better; my husband is my biggest supporter. It was because he was worried that James would run me away. Nothing could ever make me leave my husband, NOTHING." Meryl choked as Don gave her a watery smile.

Mike nodded. "Mrs. Gummer, you said that the things James Gummer did at your wedding was nothing compared to what he would later do. Could you give us some examples?"

"Yeah." Meryl looked at Don and he nodded. "Right before we were married Don was mugged and he suffered from broken ribs for a long time. When we came to Indianapolis for Christmas 3 months after the mugging, and our wedding, he was still suffering from them. I wouldn't let Don carry the bags; and soon as we got to his parents house his father made a demeaning comment about it. That first night at dinner it came up that a co-star smacked me and James said I deserved it which infuriated Don. The next morning Don went to tell James that he would treat me with respect and that no woman deserved to be smacked; and James told Don that he did. He then slammed Don against the wall. His bruises were so awful, on his bones. It took him days before he could sit or sleep normally. I was so worried about him but he assured me he was fine. Then a little over a year later we came when Don's mother broke her hip. While Don didn't want us to stay at the house we decided it would be best to help with Jane. The first morning we were there I was in the kitchen cooking breakfast and James came in behind me and was sexually inappropriate. I didn't tell Don because I didn't want to hurt him. Later that day, Don and I were getting ready to take our son to lunch and I was picking up Henry's toys when I felt hands grab me from behind and I thought it was Don until I heard James' voice. I told James to stop and Don came in. Don begged me to take Henry upstairs which I did, though I was so worried about Don. James beat him and again caused some pretty bad damage on his back; this time I insisted we go to the hospital and thankfully nothing was broken but it took him a long time to recover and to even be able to carry our son who was 5 months old at the time. About 5 months later on our anniversary James called and said some awful things to me about Don. When I told Don he was upset, of course, and called James the next day. James said AWFUL things to Don. It made Don doubt himself, but like with everything else in our marriage we came out stronger. We decided to avoid his father as much as possible. Don never wanted to come back here but I told him we needed to for his family and for him and Henry." Meryl saw Don glare at his mother.

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