Chapter 67

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Don regretted not calling an ambulance for Meryl but he just wanted to get her away from that warehouse as soon as possible. As soon as they got to the ER they put her on oxygen because she was having trouble breathing. Don didn't know if it was the panic attack or her preeclampsia; but either way he was extremely worried about both her and the baby. He tried to sit by her bed in a chair and hold her hand, but his leg was bouncing nervously, and he knew he needed to move. With a kiss to her forehead he began to pace. He either looked at her or the door waiting for the doctor to come in; he was so terrified of losing both her and the baby. 

"Sweetheart." Meryl said from the bed. "Please come sit down."

Don shook his head as he willed the tears not to come. "I can't. I never should have let you go to the prison and that fucking hell hole. You and the baby could really be in danger."

"Let me?" Meryl couldn't help but laugh. "Have you met your wife? Have you met me?"

Don shook his head as he continued to pace. "I'm supposed to protect you, Henry and the baby and I've fucked that up again. It was too stressful for you. You and your health and our babies are more important to me than ANYTHING. DAMN IT!"

"Don Man, PLEASE come sit down. I need to touch you and I can't do that from this bed when you're pacing." Meryl was relieved when he sat on the bed facing her so she could take his head in her hands. "You WERE protecting me, protecting us, by going there with me. Emotionally, I already feel better. Yes, all of that was hell but it was a hell I needed to go through to begin to heal."

Don tried to look down but he wouldn't let her. "You've been in hell too much lately and I took you back there."

"You have too, baby." Meryl said. "You did NOT take me back there. By feeling you touching me, holding me, you gave me what I needed to get through. Baby, you gave me EXACTLY what I needed. You were taking care of me just like always."

Don shook his head. "If something happens to you..."

"It won't." Meryl said. "Physically, I am already feeling better. Don Man, when my legs began to shake you picked me up and carried me which could have caused you more damage. I could have managed or Larry could have helped."

Don wiped his tears. "There is no way in HELL I'm going to entrust you to anyone else."

"Which is one of the MANY ways you protect me." Meryl said kissing his hands. "Sweetheart, I know you; please talk to me. What's going through that beautiful head and heart of yours? I had my chance to cry. It's yours."

Don looked up with her at red eyes. "I'm so fucking mad, M, so fucking mad."

"Let it out." Meryl tried to encourage him. "Don Man, you have been SO incredibly strong for me. Yeah, you beat him up but I'm sure you didn't get to tell him everything you wanted to. Believe me, I did every time he came into that fucking room. So do it now."

Don shook his head. "I can't do that to you; YOU are the one, and Henry, who had to suffer at his hands."

"And you haven't?!" Meryl exclaimed. "He abused you as well, baby, just in a different way."

Don looked at her. "Can I please pace?"

"Whatever you need." Meryl choked.

Don gave her a kiss as he got up and started to pace. "I want to fucking kill him. He kidnapped an 18 month old baby and a pregnant woman; two people who I love and adore more than anything. He caged you up and made you fucking piss and shit on yourself like you're some FUCKING ANIMAL! You're not! You are my life and my heart and deserve some god damn respect. Henry is TERRIFIED of the dark because of that fucker. He beat you; your blood was EVERYWHERE. He invaded you so HARD and so DEEP you tore worse than you would in childbirth. He took away our centers. HE HAD NO FUCKING RIGHT. I WANT TO KILL HIM! You told him NO! You and Henry jump every time a door closes or there's a nock on the door. You two are having awful nightmares. I have always wanted you two to feel loved and safe and that fucker took that away. If I could, I would walk into that fucking cell and make him hurt and terrify him like he's hurt and terrified you and Henry. I want him to know what it feels like not to be able to breathe because that's how we both have felt. I want to castrate that fucking son of a bitch!"

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now