Chapter 28

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As soon as they got to their bedroom at her parents' house, Don closed the door with his foot, and laid her on the bed. His lips never once broke contact with her skin; it didn't matter whether it was her lips, behind her ears, or down her neck; his lips couldn't get enough of her. As soon as he laid her down on the bed as she put the monitor on the bedside; her hands quickly went to the bottom of his t-shirt and his lips briefly broke from hers so she could lift the shirt off his body. Don stopped then and pressed his forehead against hers so the only thing he could see were her beautiful green eyes. He loved getting lost at sea in those eyes. He finally found his voice. "We don't have to do this, sweetheart. We go at your pace."

"I want you." Meryl said as she flipped him over on his back and straddled him. He gasped in pleasure as she ground her core against his erection; and her fingertips played with his nipples. "I want you so much; if you feel up to it."

Don smirked as he bucked his hips up and his hard on brushed her core. He smiled in satisfaction at the amazing look that came over her face. "I'm definitely UP for it."

"Remember." Meryl said as her lips and tongue now paid him paid for the attention his paid to her. "I do all the work."

Don lifted her shirt off her and sat up so he could lavish her chest with hot, wet, open mouthed kisses. He mumbled against her creamy flesh as he then pushed her down on the bed, her head at the foot of the bed. "Maybe not all the work."

"Oh, Don." Meryl moaned as she threw her head back as he unclasped her bra and took her nipples into his warm, incredibly talented, mouth. "Oh God, Don!"

Don smiled as he removed her jeans and underwear, then did the same to his own jeans. Leaving his boxers on. Not wanting to go too fast for her. Their movements became frantic until she went to take his stocking cap off. He stopped her. "No, don't."

"It's okay, baby, take it off." Meryl said as she won the war and took off his hat. "I love every inch of you, especially your head because it's a reminder of the intensity you love us with." Don let her take it off and he then paid attention to her swollen belly, kissing her and their baby at the same time. As his lips and tongue were wild over her body, his hand went in between her thighs, rubbing her opening over and over. He then slipped a finger inside her causing her to gasp in pleasure. "BABY!"

Don went back to paying attention to her breasts. "I love how wet you are. So ravenous."

"That's how much I want you." Meryl moaned as her hands now went between his legs and stroked him until he was painfully hard for her. Meryl knew now was the time. She pushed him so he was sitting up and she sat on him, wrapping her legs around his waist. Both moaning when she took him inside of her. "I love you."

Don saw the tears on her cheeks and wiped them away as he pressed his forehead against hers while they moved frantically against one another. "I love you, baby, I missed you so much."

"Me too." Meryl moaned as his fingers rubbed her bundle of nerves in small circles. She thrusted her chest at him, threw her head back, and moaned in ecstasy as her fluids coated him. "Yes, Don Man, YES!"

Don buried his face in between her breasts as he let go. "Yes, baby, YES!"

Both of them spent, they got under the sheet holding one another. Once Meryl found her breath she placed her hand on his cheek and looked up at him. "Are you okay, Don Man?"

"I'm perfect, my love." Don said kissing the palm that was on his cheek. "Are you okay?"

Meryl gazed into his deep blue eyes. "I'm perfect. There were times I thought we'd never be like this..."

"Shhh." Don said with a kiss to her lips; not wanting her to get emotional. "I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, EVER. I'm going to be all over you like this until we're in our 90s."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now