Chapter 35

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Meryl woke up the next morning feeling completely rested and at peace. When she realized she and Henry were still in Don's arms, with Henry between them, she knew that was why. She shifted slightly so she could look at her handsome husband as he slept peacefully; she could feel her heart skip a beat when she thought about how much he loved her and how much she loved him. Though she hated he was filled with such doubts and guilt, she was relieved that they had their heart to heart and that she could console and reassure him just as he always did for her. Her smile widened as she looked at their son sleeping curled up to her. Don and Henry looked just alike when they were awake, but even more so when they were sleeping and she loved it. Meryl ran her fingers over Don's face and bald head. Meryl leaned over and pressed a strong kiss on his lips, smiling when it didn't take him long to respond. "Well good morning, gorgeous."

"Hi there, handsome." Meryl smiled.

Don already noticed how rested she looked and how she was glowing again. "How's my girl this morning?"

"Much better after a night spent with my two favorite guys." Meryl smiled as she moved slightly so as not crush Henry. "You always make me feel better."

Don winked as he leaned down to kiss Henry's head and then her cheeks and then her forehead. "I'm glad."

"How's my Don Man?" Meryl asked.

Don smiled at her. "Much better knowing the three most important people, ever, are okay."

Meryl smiled as he placed his hands on her belly. "We are. He looks like he's out for awhile and I believe you promised I wouldn't have to shower by myself."

"Yes, I did." Don said carefully getting out of bed without waking Henry as he watched Meryl do the same; he then extended his hand to her when he went over to her side of the bed. "Come on, baby, let's get ready for Italy."


"I like this whole not showering alone thing." Meryl smiled at Don through the bathroom mirror as he came up behind her and kissed her neck.

Don knew the shower wouldn't lead to anything, he didn't want it to until she was completely ready and healed. He knew that would be awhile and he didn't care. He knew she would be with him for the rest of their lives and that meant the world to him. "Me too. That was Larry on the phone just now. He, Liz and Susie are coming by with breakfast. He says he has a happy surprise for us."

"Good; I'm tired of the others he's had lately." Meryl tried to joke.

Don kissed her forehead. "Me too, Darl."

"I'm going to go get Henry ready." Meryl said throwing their bathroom things in a bag. "I think we're pretty much ready."

Don kissed her on the cheek as they heard a knock at the door. "You go get Hen, don't worry about the bags I will get them later; and I'll answer the door. Then we're off to Italy."

"I can't wait." Meryl beamed. "It will be heaven."


"This is wonderful, thank you." Meryl said as she Don, Larry and Liz sat at a table on the balcony eating lox and bagels with juice for Meryl and the children, and coffee for everyone else.

Liz smiled down at Henry and Susie enjoying a breakfast picnic on a blanket. "She sure loves Henry."

"I think the feeling is mutual." Don laughed as he watched his son and goddaughter.

Meryl placed her hand on Don's knee. "He already has a way with the ladies; just like his daddy."

"Only for one of the ladies." Don winked. "Well, this really is a nice surprise."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now