Chapter 9

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"Oh, Don." Meryl said, crying, as she ran over to him only for him to stop her.

Don was immediately concerned when this strange woman was crying. "Are you the nurse?"

"Don, please, don't joke; not now." Meryl cried. "Not after this day from hell. It's me, baby."

Don could barely move his head but was trying to move from this woman. "Who are you?"

"Don, it's me Meryl, your wife." Meryl said grabbing for his hand.

Don quickly removed his hand a way. "That's a weird name, but I've only been married once and her name was Peggy."

"Oh God." Meryl choked.

Larry came in and could tell something was up. "Everything alright?"

"Chicken shit, who is this? She says she's my wife. This isn't Peggy, I've only been married to Peggy, and she's kind of making me nervous." Don said to his best friend.

Meryl and Larry looked at each other in shock and Larry spoke. "Numb nuts, this is Meryl; your wife, the love of your life. You have been the happiest you have ever been with Meryl and Henry."

"Whose Henry?" Don asked.

Meryl reached out to take Larry's hand for support as she pulled a picture of Henry, Don and her out of her purse. "Henry is our baby, he's 17 months old. Don't you remember Henry, Don Man?"

"I don't know what is going on; but I don't know you and I certainly don't have a child. It would have been a mistake for me and Peggy to have children." Don said matter of factly.

Third walked in at this time. "Hey, bud."

"Third, thank God." Don croaked. "Talk to these two; they say she's my wife."

Third looked at his devastated sister. "She is, this is Meryl, my sister. Don, she is the love of your life as well as your son, Henry. You wanted to name him after me because I introduced you two; and after our father."

"Okay, you all need to stop. She is NOT my wife. I will NEVER be married again. I will NEVER have children. IF I am married then it's a big mistake." Don was losing patience.

Meryl couldn't stay and listen to anymore and she turned to Larry. "Please...stay." Meryl then ran out of the room crying.

"I'm going after her." Third said to Larry.

Larry turned back to Don and was shocked he was asleep. He was so alert, though confused, a minute ago. Larry sighed as he walked closer to his best friend. "If that fucker caused you to lose the best things in your life he will live to regret it, I promise you."


"Meryl." Third said running into the waiting room to the site of his sister sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, sobbing.

Meryl continued to sob as Third took her in his arms. "I really have lost him."

"No, Mary, you haven't." Third tried to console his sister. "Remember what the doctor said? This could happen. It doesn't mean it's permanent. There is no way Donald Gummer would forget the great love of his life."

Meryl was playing with her wedding ring. "You heard him he said Peggy was his only wife. He said he would never get married again or have children. He doesn't remember our baby, Third. They are two peas in a pod and he doesn't even remember him."

"Calm down, sweetheart." Third was afraid she would hyperventilate. "Yes, after his divorce Don thought he would never marry again or have children. That all changed when you walked into his life and his heart. You know that, Mary. He tells EVERYONE who will listen how you say he saved your life but you saved his. You KNOW that you and Henry are EVERYTHING to him. You know that, Mary Louise."

Meryl and Don: An Unforeseen JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now