Enough Is Enough!

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Chapter 51

Enough is Enough

               *Sniff-Sniff* Tears ran down your cheeks and then fell off your chin. You didn't bother wiping them sometimes because you just didn't care. This day was rough. There was a beautiful group of people inside along with some amazing food, but you couldn't enjoy it because you were miserable. All day Diggy had ignored you, simply because you brought up his ex Tatianna. She seemed to be doing a lot of damage. She had these girls nearly crack your skull open and now Diggy hated you. You couldn't help but wonder why he brought you to Flight Club with her there, but you made a huge mistake by asking. Somethings are better left unsaid.  Would he ever move on? When would this game end. Enough is enough. You didn't notice but there was someone in the distance watching you. The person moved closer and closer towards you until he/she was now standing in front of you. You had your face buried in your hands so you had no clue. *sniff-sniff*.......*sniff*. You looked up and sniffed again. You smelled some cologne and wondered where it came from. You looked to your right and saw someones legs. You jumped out of fear, then relaxed when you realized who it was. It was Diggy. He stood over you, watching you cry this entire time. Your eyes met, but you could barely seem with all the water distorting your vision. He stared at you, but his facial expression wasn't as hard as it was earlier. He looked rather concerned and guilty. He probably felt bad that he took it this far. You apologized so many times and tried to make it right but he was the one that kept pushing you off. Now he had to stand there and watch you cry. You felt him rubbing your head softly. You continued to cry. ''Babe,'' he said softly, you ignored him. He stopped rubbing your head and sat next to you, closely. He started rubbing your back, trying to calm you down. You were crying so hard. All the frustration of the day was seeping out. ''Babe, look I'm done okay. I took this way too far,'' You ignored him, ''Ma....ma do you hear me.'' You sat up and looked at him. He looked guilty. ''Di-iggy, like you been ignoring me all da-ay and its been really hurtful...Li-ike.,'' you said choking out the words. You started coughing. He pat your back and tried to comfort you. ''Look, babe I really wanna apologize...I - I just got real upset you know. Hearing that girls name really sets me off and the fact that you kept bringing her up? She's taken me through so much and I mean I already felt guilty about running into her and of course the club scene. I just I was in my feelings. I, you know... Seeing you hurt like that hurt me, you know. I just, I just,'' he was at a lost for words, ''I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. All I know is that I took this shit way too far.'' You looked at him, directly into his brown eyes. You could have sworn you saw him tearing up a bit. ''Im sorry babe,'' he said softly. He took his thumb and wiped the tears beneath your eyes. You took your focus off his face and looked down at the ground. ''Can I ask you something Daniel?'' ''Sure, anything.'' You were now looking at him, ''What happened between the two of you?'' He sighed and looked away from your eyes. He rubbed his hands together and slouched over. ''Well, you already know shes me ex and her name. I wish that could be all that you know...But I owe this to you, especially after how I treated you today. Basically... We met at a club. Spin was DJing. I was just sitting on a couch, just chilling, you know, minding my own. She approached me and asked if I wanted to dance. I said yeah, you know. So we danced. I enjoyed myself with her so we exchanged numbers and what now. After talking for about 3 weeks, we eventually started dating. I thought I was experiencing love, you know? Everything was perfect. We got so close and I felt like I could trust her. Everything was all good. She mentioned that she like to sing, so I introduced her to some labels and she soon got signed. After she got signed, she started acting all big and shit, like everything changed. We started getting into intense fights and what not. I knew that I was too young for all that, so I decided to split with her. After the split, she stalked me and wouldnt leave me alone. I had to change my number and everything. Till this day, I haven't spoken to her.'' He looked back at you. You sighed, ''Why do you think she's so crazy?'' ''Sex,'' he said softly. ''The sex creates an emotionally attachment. I know you can't understand but thats the best way I can put it.'' You nodded, ''I get it Dan.'' He chuckled, ''Haha, mhm. After we had sex, she started being a lot more clingy. I mean, she'd want it all the time and stuff. It was crazy...Thats why I want us to wait, cuz we still getting to know each side of each other,'' he took you hand, ''And sadly you saw my asshole side. I'm really sorry babe. I gotta make this up to you.'' You coughed then said, ''You don't have to do anything, just don't ever ignore me like that. Please.'' He nodded a yes and kissed your hand. His kiss reminded you how soft his lips were. ''By the way, you look amazing tonight,'' he said licking his lips and looking you up and down, ''I was dying to tell you but I couldnt seem to swallow my pride.'' You just looked at him. ''You still upset babe?'' ''Idk how to feel.'' ''Look, I'll let you have some time to yourself. I know you got a lot on your mind.'' He hugged you closely and kissed your cheek a few times. He stood up and adjusted his suite. ''Take your time okay, we can talk about this later mama.'' He then walked off and soon disappeared inside. You touched the cheek he kissed and rubbed it. You wanted to forgive him and move on, but it was kinda hard to look past what he had done to you. After a few more minutes, you got up and walked back inside. As you got closer and closer towards the dining room, you heard laughing and clapping. Sounded like a good time. You stepped back inside and walked towards your seat. Diggy watched you the whole time. Seemed like no one even noticed you were gone. Samantha smiled at you as you took a seat next to her in front of your untouched food. ''You okay girl?'' ''Mhm,'' you said smiling back. ''Ugh, my food is cold,'' you said to yourself. You weren't honestly hungry though. You just sat in that crowded room and reflected over your day. 

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