Keep Chasing for the Sun

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You know how I said that I was pretty sure I could find my way around Amsterdam with just my phone?

Yeah, I should have brought Riker.

It took me two and a half hours just to get to the drugstore and another hour to get the medicine. Ross might potentially be dying...

When I get back to the hotel, it's already dark out. I go into Ross' room and see him watching some stupid zombie movie.

"I'm so sorry Ross, there was horrible traffic. I hope your okay." I say, acting worried, and sitting on the bed and taking the medicine out of the box. I can see he changed into a beanie, sweats, and a white shirt. He smiles.

"You didn't bring Riker, did you?" He asks.

"Nope." I say, handing him some medicine and water. I can hear his voice sounds horrible. I put my hand on his face. He's still burning up. He's also got horrible bags under his eyes. I sigh. "How do you feel?" I ask.

"Like crap." He says, in his squeaky voice that's barley existent. "Nina...what if I can't perform tomorrow?" He sounds worried. I put my cold hand on his hot face.

"Then We'll figure it out tomorrow. Don't worry, Ross." I say. He looks away for a minute, obviously worrying. I pick up the phone and order room service.

"Hello?" I ask. Ross looks at me and I smile, which makes him smile a little. "Could I get an extra large pepperoni pizza?" I ask the woman. She says it will be ready in twenty minutes and I hang up.

"What's that for?" Ross asks.

"Well if we're gonna watch Romeo and Juliet, we're gonna need pizza." I say. He smiles and sits up a little.

"We're watching Romeo and Juliet?" He asks, excited.

"You said it, not me." I say, slipping my shoes off and getting under the covers. Only problem with this plan.

I can't fall asleep.

Reason A: If I fall asleep, Ross will try to bring me back to Rydel's room, and he's already weak from being sick.

Reason B: I can sit in my jeans in the same bed as Ross all I want, but sleeping in the same bed with pajamas on? Nope not doing it.

At least...not yet.

So we order Romeo and Juliet and get our Pizza, and by the end, Ross is asleep on my shoulder. But I didn't fall asleep

Nina: 1


So, I put Ross on the pillows, shut the TV off, give him a kiss and go back to Rydel's room. Her and Ratliff are there also eating pizza and watching Transformers.

"Hey, where were you?" She asks.

"Amsterdam." I say, throwing my purse on the chair and slumping on my bed.

"Yeah...we got that." Ratliff said.

"No." I say, sitting up. "I was literally in the city for three and a half hours." I say.

"Why?" Rydel asks.

"Ross is sick." I say.

"Crap!" Ratliff says. "Is he going to be able to perform?" He says.

"I don't know Ratliff...I just don't want to think about it know." He's freaking out, I'm freaking out." I say, falling back down on the bed.

"How did you calm him down?" Rydel asks.

"Romeo and Juliet." I say. Rydel and Ratliff high five.

"It's official." Ratliff said. "Nina's learned the secret of life."

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