Dance, Dance, Dance

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I paid the cab driver and went into the dance studio. The directors had rented it in case we needed to practice while on location. It was empty when I went inside so I went into the biggest studio and sat next to my bag. I pulled out my tan jazz shoes. Ahh, the memories. I put them on and ran over to the CD player and plugged my phone into it. I chose to practice an actual dance that we were filming tomorrow. I got a chair and began to run Crusin' For a Brusin'. It felt really good being able to do all the lead parts I found myself having so much fun, even lip syncing the words. I barely even looked into the mirror which, was a first. I always look in the mirror while dancing to strive for perfection, but because we've already done these numbers so many times, I felt pretty good about them. At the end I realized I was really out of breath. I slide on my knees and began to lightly laugh. This was so much fun! Until of course, it wasn't.

"You!" I heard. I quickly got up and turned around, shaking. I didn't like people seeing me dancing for pleasure. I don't know why, but whenever I would practice at home I would hide whenever my family came around. I didn't mind dancing alone, it was just something about how I was just doing it, hoping no one would see me mess up. I hated messing up. It's my least favorite thing in the world. When I turned around, I saw Ross. "It's you!" he said walking towards me. I began to back up.

"What are you talking about?" His height towering over me began to frighten me. I felt my back touch the wall.

"You're the one the directors were talking about!" I realized his face was not mad, but...excited?

"Why were they talking about me?" Am I going to get fired? I can't I love this job! It technically is my only job I've ever had, but never the less, I love it!

"You're the young one! The one the directors were talking about! They said they hired a tiny girl that didn't fit in but she was a classically trained dancer for nine years and they HAD to hire her she was so good! They said they didn't care about your resume. You're the amazing one!"

"They said that!" I said excitedly! Oh my gosh! Wait no, all these people are way more experienced than me. I need to act cool. "I-I mean, of course they said that I'm amazing." I never bragged. I was taught not to. Ross looked at me with a look of, "I know you didn't know that you're a cute little child." But that's the problem I don't want to be thought of as a little child here. I wanted to be thought of as an adult like everyone else. Ross sat on the floor, and I followed.

"So, what is with your resume?" I figured I could confide in Ross and still trust him to treat me like an adult.

"Well, I kinda don't have one." He lifted his eyebrow.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean I have no resume. I've never acted or sung. I just dance. I didn't know how I got the part but I did."

"Can you sing?"

"I don't know."

"Alright, lay it on me."


"Sing!" He said.

"No!" I laughed. "I am not singing I've never sung." That's not true. But I've never sung in front of anyone so he doesn't have to know that. "What if I make a complete fool of myself?"

"What if you do? What if you make a tiny mistake? What then?"

"I don't like mistakes, Ross. I don't make them. If I do, oof it gets rough."

"Well I won't judge you." He said smiling a charming smile.


"Your tough."

"I know."

"Alright, well if you're not going to sing, let's dance."

"Cusin' For a Brusin'?" I asked.

"Dear god, no! Let me guess you've been practicing a lot?"

"All the time! It has to be-"

"Perfect." He interrupted and began to walk over to the CD player and browse my music. I got up too.

"Yes." I say.

"Look at us! Finishing each other's sentences!" He said with a smile and then winked.

"Are you...flirting with me?" I've never been flirted with before. I've also never flirt.

"Yes, yes I am." He said adjusting some knobs on the CD player.

"Why?" He looked up.

"Listen, Nina, you're cute, I'm attracted to you." He smiled.

"What?! That's... that's...." I'm speechless. Why? I'm like two years younger than him. He could have any girl here, so why the one he thought was ten?

"Never the less, we are going to dance battle. He played the song Smells Like Teen Spirit."


"Oh just do it! I'll go first." He did, and although his moves are impressive, they were expected. Classic hip-hop. Oh, I'm going to rattle him. I ran to my bag and slipped on my pointe shoes. Still, watching him dance. While He danced he asked, "What are you doing? This isn't a ballet song!" I got up and he gave me a signal to go. I began to bore across and then do some super-fast chenes I saw his face go from laughing to shock. Right as the beat kicked up I did a giant hitch-kick right in his face. He stepped back in shock. I began to do tons of moves that were intense. I ran over to my bag and quickly changed into my tap shoes I did a whole tap routine. Finally, in tap shoes, I began my thirty-two fuete chain form swan lake I finished, kicked and began to do tons of a la sac cones into a front attitude turns, then into more a la sac cones, and finally, into a turned out posse to cope. Once I finished my turns, I put my leg up into an extension and held it. From there I did a balk walk-over. There was just enough time left to get into a pose before the song ended. His face was priceless! His mouth was on the floor.

"Oops! I'm sorry I used the whole song!" I know I was being cocky, but he was before too!

"T-that was-"

"Amazing!" I interrupted him. "Ooh! We're finishing each other's sentences!" I put my finger on his chest and pushed off slightly. I'm bad at flirting. That's okay I didn't want to flirt with Ross anymore anyways. I would NEVER fall for a guy like him. We're strictly friends. He smiled and laughed a little. I took of my tap shoes and threw them in my bag. I put my sneakers on and picked up my dance bag and then turned to face him. He crossed his hands over his chest, cocked his head to the side, shook his head and let out a light laugh. I crossed my hands over my chest and cracked my neck twice. "Well I'll see you around." I smiled. And left Ross alone in the dance studio.

C Minor // R5Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora