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This isn't the end!





Most days of these letters have had a theme. Or a sloppy theme as Rydel called them.

Today's is survival.

Survival instincts never die within a person, but survival does. Lucius Annaeus Seneca once said, "Sometimes, even to live is an act of courage." Granted, I don't want to stop living, but I think it's going to take a lot of courage from me to live in California away from you.

And not just like Nevada away, like Boston away.

I've been to Boston. It's nice.

Now I know why.

I'm guessing this day is hard for you too.

Life knocks us all down sometimes. I've been knocked down before, sometimes worse than others. But you know what, I always get up. And I always will, if not for me, than for you.

No offence, but probably for me too.

Anyways, I hope you think of me when you get up.

I guess we were handed the fact that we have to leave each other because we'll be able to handle it.

or maybe we're just screwed people.

But I hope it's the first one.

I have this song, it's going on LOUDER, and it's called Cali Girls. It's all about how the girls from California are the best. I kinda want to change it to Boston Girls. Cause you know your the best.

But I probably won't because Riker wrote it and writing Boston girls probably won't really go with the rhyming. But, you get how I feel, right?


I guess I keep making jokes hoping they'll make you smile. Or because if you can make a joke in a bad situation, you win.

That's what I think anyways.

Maybe it's just denial.

Whenever I'm in denial, Riker always says "Denial is the most painful form of the truth." Or something like that. Every time he says it, it makes me think, and I don't know why, because it's not like super deep or anything, but it always makes me realize stuff. I guess that's what older brother's are for. I hope your older brother makes you feel that way. He probably doesn't. Nothing against your brother, but Riker's the best older brother ever. I guess I'm a little bias though. Don't tell Riker I said that.

Oh crap, Rydel is going to tell him. Rocky's gonna be pissed!

But I guess pain doesn't just show up in our lives. It shows up because our life needs changing. I'm not sure what the change is, or why it's so painful, but I'll spend my whole life figuring it out, if I have to. For you. For me.

For us.

I'll guess I'll see you round, some Friday. Somewhere, somehow.


But I just stood there and ran my hand over the tear drops on the paper next to the runny black ink. they were dried.

and they weren't mine.

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