Riker and Rocky's Aid to Ross

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"Get your R5 sandwich in the mail! And if you order now Ryland comes with it, FREE!"~Rocky (it's something like that)

Awwwwwwww! Brotherly Love...no Ryland though...he's not in this chapter anyways....




"Rocky? What are you doing here?" It's not that I didn't like Rocky, I do, he just doesn't stop by usually.

"Put on a dress." He says.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I ask.

"Precisely, now put on a dress before I put it on you." In fear that Rocky would actually do that, I signal for him to give me a minute. I figure that He's taking me to dinner with all the Lynches, due to our last week and all, so I put on a yellow sundress guessing Ross is there. I always try to wear some kind of yellow around Ross because I know it's his favorite color. It's also made me realize how much yellow I own.

I also pull my hair down and brush it, since it looks fine. I touch up my makeup a little, put on white heals, grab my white clutch and head to the door.

"You gussie up quick." Rocky says before forcefully pulling me out the door.

"ROcKy!" I yell unsteadily, due to the force of his tug. "I didn't close my door!" I say, as he runs with my hand in his.

"Don't worry, Riker will take care of it!" He yells.


"Forget it." He says. He pulls me into and elevator as I pause, out of breath, in a not good way.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask.

"Okay Nina, ready?" He asks.

"Quite." I say.

"There is this crazy thing in the world called a surprise! It's an unexpected event and you have to do this crazy thing called wait to get it! Crazy isn't it!" He says jokingly.

"Wonderful." I say sarcastically.

When the elevator ride finishes, Rocky pulls me into a taxi outside. He proceeds to says something to the driver in Spanish.

"You speak Spanish?" I ask.

"No." Rocky says.

"But you just spoke Spanish!" I say.

"No, I spoke the language of Google Translate!" He says. I roll my eyes.

"Why aren't you dressed up?" I ask. He groans.

"Too many questions! What does Ross see in you?" He asks. I look down.

"Nothing." I say. But all I hear is Rocky laughing. Why is he laughing?

We arrive in downtown ten minutes after a silent car ride. When the cab driver parks the car I look at Rocky.

"Get out." He says. I do and walk to the curb. I wait for Rocky to get out as well, but instead the cab drives away.

"Rocky! Rocky? Rocky Mark Lynch!" I yell ass the cab just continues back to the hotel. So, Rocky made me put on a dress and heels (I mean, he didn't technically make me put the heels on, but they just go with the dress) and then plopped me in the middle of downtown. My stomach starts to growl, and I figure I could probably find a restaurant to eat at, and then find a cab home.

"Nina! Nina thank god!" I hear I turn to see a red faced Riker running towards me.

"Riker? What's-"

"It's Ross." He says.

So I start to run too.

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