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Love this pic! Idk why I just love it!

Warm and fuzzies!




Today is Wednesday morning and we are shooting Surf's Up! Which is our last dance number. We're finishing it tomorrow and Thursday.

So as per usual, I get up to read Ross' note first.


It is Wednesday here in Puerto Rico. And almost anywhere. I can't believe this is passing so quickly. I can't take it.

Did you know that the first person you think of when you wake up in the morning is the same person you think of right before you go to sleep? Not saying that is necessarily the last thought, just the last person you think of.

Anyways, this is because that person you think of is the person that either causes the most pain or happiness in your life. Now, I can't be positive, because it's hard to recall the person I think of when I'm in my most oblivious state, but I think it's you.

I always knew you brought me happiness, but I can't tell lately if I think of you for pain too. Is that even possible? To think of that person because they give you immense pain and joy? And it's not even you who brings me pain. It's the thought of being without you. So is this all correct?

My mind confuses me a lot. I think my brain is like a kids map at a restaurant. You know that worksheet with all the tangle knots and you have to see which knot goes to which object? I kinda think that's what my brain is like.

But it's like your three year old that comes by and untangles the knots for me. Like, when you brought me those waters when you weren't even working that day. That was so thoughtful.

And you think you need to repay me for these notes.

But now that we are leaving Puerto Rico, it's like your leaving the restaurant and I am just going back to my jumbled up, brain mush state.

Not that I'm stupid, just easily confused.

And now I have to wait for another three year old to come by and try. And that was always fine, before you.

But I don't want another three year old.

I want you to take me home and hang me up on your fridge, in a non-creepy pedophiliac way.

It's like reading you're favorite book and then reading another one. The other one isn't as good.

You're my favorite book.

Romeo and Juliet, if you will.

Well, I'll see you on another Wednesday. Somewhere, somehow.



C Minor // R5Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora