Kiss, Don't Tell

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Ross stopped his notes for Saturday. We had one more day left, and I spent the whole day over there house so I could be with all of them before we leave.

I wake up early and when I do, I try to think about the first person that popped into my mind. I tried to make it Ross, but I'm not sure who it was.

I walk over to Mark, Stormie, Rydel and Riker's side of the apartment, the bigger half with the kitchen and I lightly knock on the door. Stormie answers moments later, and I can see that she was in the middle of setting the table for breakfast. Stormie knew I was coming early, so this was no surprise.

"They're all asleep. Go ahead." Stormie said, knowing what I had planned. I quietly walk into the adjoining room and close the door behind me. I see Ross and Ryland in one bed and Rocky and Ratliff in another. But before I start my plan, I look at Ross and Ryland. I know this sounds creepy, looking at them in their sleep. They look so young, no worries, no sarcasm, just peaceful. They look like two toddler brothers peacefully sharing a big bed. I smile at the thought of Ross as a little boy. Probably had crazy blonde hair in all directions and smiled often.

I peer over at Rocky and Ellington to see if they look the same. But to no avail, they have covers spewed around them, Rocky is laying upside down, but his pillow is at the top. I wonder how he got like that. Ellington is spread over Rocky's feet and clutching his pillow in his arms. Delightful.

I slowly walk over and shove the curtains open, letting the bright, white, tropical sun leak into all the crevasses of the once dark room.


Seriously? How could that not work? I stand in front of the TV.

"Get up!" I say at a normal speaking level.


I mean not even movement. It's like they're dead!

Wait, they're not dead, right?

I go over to Rocky and put my fingers over his carotid artery in his neck and felt a steady pulse.


But when I remove my fingers, there is still no movement.

What the heck.

That's it.

I go over to Ross and Ryland's bed and start jumping.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I yell, still jumping. Both of them wake up.

"Hi Nina." Ross smiles. He has fluffy bedhead and a raspy morning voice. I smile at him.

"Really?" Ryland asks. He picks me up and throws me all the way across the room on Rocky and Ellington's bed. I scream as I fly airborne.

"Ryland!" Ross yells as I safely land.

"Please, I play football, I knew she was gonna be fine." He said. I look down at Rocky and Ratliff who are still asleep and I begin jumping.

"Wake up!" I say. Rocky moans and Ellington pops up.

"EARTHQUAKE!" Ratliff yells. We all kinda just stare at him. "Oh, Hi Gardenia." He said. I flinched at the use of my name. I feel myself being picked up. I find myself on Ross' hip, like I'm a toddler.

"Really?" I ask. But he doesn't but me down.

"Can I talk to you? In your suite?" He asks.

C Minor // R5Where stories live. Discover now