Our Honey Moon

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*Yn POV*

"We're here Yn." Chres said, waking me up. We have been on the plane since 1pm yesterday and it's 6 in the morning now. "Where exactly is here?" I asked. He chuckled and grabbed some of our bags, the pilot guy grabbed the rest. We got off the plan which was on a private beach and there was a huge beach house. "Welcome to, Hawaii" Chres said. Chres carried the bags in the house then came and picked me up and carried me across the threshold and took me all the way upstairs to a bedroom. He told the guy just leave the bags down there with the other ones then the guy left on the plane saying he will be back in two weeks. I smiled and Chres tackled me on the bed. "So, how bout we break in the bed, then go down to the beach." Chres said. I giggled and kissed him. One thing led to another and we broke in the new bed. Three times.

Chres carried me to the bathroom after making a bath with bubbles. We took a bath then put on our bathing suits. I put on a neon green bikini and he put on blue swimming trunks. We walked down to the water holding hands. It was kind of nice having a whole beach to ourselves. "So, what do you think so far?" Chres asked. I smiled. "I love it. It's so relaxing." I said. Chres chuckled a little. "It is." He agreed. We walked down to the water and swam for a while. We had a water fight too. After swimming for like three hours we went home and changed after showering.

Then Chres carried me downstairs and sat me on the island. He poured wine in two glasses and handed me one. I drank it while watching him make dinner. He knows how to cook, he just chooses not to most of the time. He made pork chops, corn and rice. We went and sat at the dining room table to eat.

*Craig POV*

Chres texted me saying him and Yn just got to Hawaii. Prehia was bouncing off the walls. "Uncle Cwaig?" She asked. "Niece Prehia?" I asked back. She giggled. She is a giggly baby. "Do Uncle Way and Titi wove each udder?" She asked. (She said do uncle Ray and Titi love each other?) I shrug. "I think they do but they don't know it yet." I whispered to her. She smiled. "I gon make dem know." She said. Prehia told everyone she wanted to go to the mall, so we loaded up and went to the mall.

Half way through walking through the mall, Ray started talking to some girl. Prehia did not like that. "No, you love her." She said pointing to Lolo. The girl looked at Ray. "Is she your daughter?" She asked. "No." He answered. "Well, make her shut up then." The girl said. Lolo was gon get her. I was about ready to get the girl. "Prehia, will you please not be like that." Ray said. Prehia looked at him and crossed her arms. "No, you love Titi." She said. Yup, she's Yn's daughter.

That girl looked annoyed. Ray tried to put her arm around her but the girl moved away. "Don't be like that babe." Ray said. "Make her weave." Prehia said to Ray. "Prehia, will you shut up. You're not helping me here." Ray half yelled at her. Prehia started crying and screamed "I don't wove you no more." She yelled. Ray looked fired up. "Good, Ion love you no more." He said before walking off with that girl.

Prehia put her head on my shoulder and cried. I rubbed her tiny little back. "It's okay, Prehia." I told her. She shook her head. "Uncle Way not wove me." She cried. Jacob and Lolo looked like they wanted to kill Ray. "Look at Titi." Lolo said. Prehia did. "Don't waste tears on Ray, okay? You're too pretty to cry." She said. Prehia giggled and thanked her.

We took her to a toy store in the mall. She only wanted a few things because she was still upset about what Ray said to her. Jacob finally got her mind off of it by telling her that he was gonna take her to the zoo later. Then Prehia got the idea that she wanted a dog. We took her to a pet store and she picked out a little pit bull puppy. It was grey and so little. She named her Naomi and we took her home. We left Ray at the mall cause we couldn't find him. When we got home he was beyond mad.

"You guys left me." Ray said. Lolo stood up. "One, you made Prehia cry her eyes out for an hour and two, we couldn't find you. You had you little hoe, who was disrespecting Prehia, to drive you home." She said. Oh, she put his ass on mute fast. He went upstairs, hopefully to apologize to Prehia.

*Ray POV*

I went upstairs and heard Prehia talking. "Naomi, I don't think Uncle Way wove me no more." She said, sad. Who is Naomi? I heard a small bark from a puppy. "He let someone be mean to me den he said he not woveme no more." Prehia said. I heard her sniffle. I put my back against the wall and continued listening. "I not mean it when I said I not wove him no more. He mad at me now. He hate me." Prehia said.

I heard her start crying. I even had a few tears. It hurts to hear her say she thinks I hate her. I don't know why I yelled at her. For no reason. I stood up and walked in her room and saw herlaying on her little toddler bed with her head on a puppy, crying. "Uncle Ray still loves you Pre, Uncle Ray is just stupid." I said. Prehia stopped crying."Naomi, you sound like Uncle Way." Prehia said. I chuckled. "Chin up, Princess." I said and she looked up. Prehia ran over to me. "Uncle Way, I sorry. I not mean it.I wove you." Prehia said hugging my leg. I picked her up. "I didn't mean it either, Princess." I told her. Prehia smiled and hugged me. All is right in the world now.

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