109. Fake It

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"Morning Mrs. Lasso, I made tea, Ted said you liked tea, this is my favorite kind, I hope you-"

"No, thanks." Dottie corrected dismissing her.

"Mom come on, you love tea, Poppy is a pro tea maker."

"Is that what you do?" Dottie questioned.

"I'm a-"

"I have to use the restroom." Dottie countered heading to the bathroom. Poppy looked to Ted her face a deep frown.

"What did I do?" Poppy whimpered hiding her face in teds chest.

" nothing apparently she's not a morning person anymore."

" Becca told me that your mother told her to call her by her first name and yet I've been calling her mrs Lasso out of respect and she hasn't been friendly enough to ask me to call her by her first name yet she meets my sister and falls instantly in love. It's because I'm shorter than her. I'm not as curvy as her. Is my hair too long?"

"Poppy sweetie I love you. You're perfect just the way you are."

It was useful that Mama Lasso was not going to Manchester because they had the whole journey there and back for Poppy to not think and worry and dread everything. Supposedly. She should've been able to clear her mind because out of sight out of mind.  But she wasn't. She was obsessing over the fact that teds mother hated her.

She leaned into ted Bird bouncing in her lap reading them a story the whole drive there.

"All right. Listen up, you big softies. 10 p.m., lights out. Then get yourselves some beauty sleep for tomorrow's big meet-cute with Man City, you hear?"


"All right, Ephron on three. One, two, three!"

" Ephron!"

" There you go."

"Jamie... Can I walk with you?" Poppy questioned.

"Whats got you teary eyed?" jamie questioned.

"Teds mum hates me." Poppy whimpered.

"No one could hate you, she loved all of us-"

"And gives me death glares!"

" no one could ever hate you, and that woman is like sunshine on a stick you met her."

" well she is a stormy rainy Kansas City tornado when it comes to me... where are we going?"

" to see my mother."

" oh that's so sweet." Poppy answered.

" and we're being followed." he added nonchalantly. Poppy spun around, but Jamie grabbed her, turning her face forward again. " don't draw attention to them."

" multiple people are following us. Why are we still walking? Let's kick some butt I'm a punchy mood."

" do you want to punch Roy in the face?" he countered, pulling her aside.

"I don't believe it. You've lost Jamie Tartt."

" You can't lose Jamie Tartt."

"Well, you have."

"Oi!" jamie shouted and keeley screamed.

"Fucking hell!" Roy barked.

" Why are you following me?"

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay, you prick." Roy demanded.

"What's going on, Jamie? Are you buying drugs?"

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