53. The Bestest

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History of Man / Laenor Velaryon / Aislynn Hightower / Animal Kingdom Crossover out now!!
Can't catch me now/ Severus snape out now!

King of the world/ Roose bolton out now!

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen out now!
"Hey, look who's here." Ted nodded to sharon riding up on her bike. "Hey." He ran up to the fence. "Huh, that's a cool bike." Sharon gave her bike a shake and it flipped into itself, Keeley gasped.

" Whoa." Keeley declared. "That's not a bike, that's a transformer."

"Yeah, she really is more than meets the eye, ain't she." Ted agreed, Sharon didn't stop walking though so ted ran to catch up. "Hey, Doc... tor Sharon! Good morning." she didn't stop, didn't look back, just kept going, she had work to do.

"Shes a charmer." Poppy mused.

"The boys like her," ted countered with a shrug.

"Shes not really a people person for a shrink." Poppy countered. "Arent they supposed to like people?"

"But What's she doing back here, I wonder? Don't we have direct deposit?"

"I thought Higgins hired her for the rest of the season, didn't he?" Keeley questioned.

"Yeah I heard something like that too."Poppy agreed. "Well. I gotta run. Busy busy, love you." She kissed teds cheek and her and birdie were off.

"Bye!" Birdie called back. Ted waved back at her before running to catch up.

"I love you." Ted echoed pulling poppy back into him. "You dont get to walk away without me saying it back."


"Hey, Higgins. Did you hire Dr. Sharon without running it by me first?" Ted questioned.

"Yes. I thought it couldn't hurt." Higgins agreed. "But I should've asked you first, Ted. You're absolutely right."

"No, I'm dead wrong." Ted corrected. "I mean, heck, you're Director of Football Operations. You gotta be able to make your own decisions.... Still, you should've texted me first."

"That's 100 % true." Higgins agreed.

"No, 100 % false!" Ted shouted. "I mean, you're a busy man! Whatever path you think is best is gonna be best! Still, next time you have plans, want you to run 'em by me first. Okay?" Higgins hesitated staring back at Ted.

" No, I will not." Higgins finally decided.

"Good! Why should you? I ain't your daddy." Ted declared.

Speaking of daddys, poppys old team had made it to the finals in the woman's division and her monster coach's face was popping up everywhere. Poppy clenched her jaw locking her phone and slamming her laptop.


"It's actually-"

"Get in the goal goalkeeper ." Poppy demanded.

"Yes ma'am." he agreed.

"Poppy?" Ted questioned. "Everything alright?"

"Hes such a good coach. Hes a role model hes a bunch of bullshit and deserves to rot in hell. Thats what he is." Poppy griped as she marched off.

"What-who- oh." He agreed in realization. "Y'all listen to poppy today." Ted insturcted.

Poppy wanted to scream but she had a little girl looking up to her. A little girl that never had a father because of what that man did to poppy. She didnt want him in their life. She wanted to smash his head into the wall so seeing his smug crooked nosed face popping up made her want to scream. Football was a better outlet.

Birdie sat by ted as poppy commanded the pitch.

"Shes a good coach." Ted remarked.

"She was going to be captain." Birdie agreed. "Shes the best. The best mommy the best cook too. and the best teacher. THe well, she's just the bestest." Ted smiled bouncing birdie on his knee.

"She really is." Ted agreed.

"You think poppy might want to see doctor sharon?" Higgins questioned.

"Why?" rebecca countered.

"Her... coach Rumlow." Higgins offered. "Their team is in the finals and-"

"Poppy doesnt do therapy." Rebecca corrected standing up. She moved to the window and saw poppy out on the pitch. She smiled down at her little sister.

"I will keep an eye on poppy. If she wants her mind analyzed then so be it but I know my sister."

The boys were huffing and puffing by the end of their training. Poppy was running on rage and pent up agression. She bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Lets go again. Set it up!"

"Ms Poppy please," sam begged. "Might we have a break?" Poppy glanced around at the tired group.

"Sorry. Yes. Go on. Good work today." She added.

"Ms Poppy?" Sam questioned moving closer. "Are you alright?"

"No." Poppy admitted. "But when I go back inside, i have to pretend to be."


"For my daughters sake. Because if im a mess then she worries and for the most part i have my life together. My work. My projects. My Birdie. Everything is as it should be. But sometimes..."

"Maybe you should see doctor sharon."

"I know what she is going to say and its not going to help." Poppy corrected. "Talking it out or medication wont help. There is not some underlying problem. I know what the problem is. Who the problem is. I just cant change it. No one can."

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