78. Mr Mustachio

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Truth is / Ned Stark Out now!!

Poppy hooked an elbow around Ted's neck to pull him toward her, but he held his body off her, and like he saw the complaint coming, a we have to do something else and shouldnt fall into bed because there are dishes in the sink and laundry in the dryer waiting to be folded but he crushed his mouth to hers to keep her quiet. The kiss was everything, and it was torture because she wanted more than this. She wanted his weight on top of her. He was all over her and all around her, but still too far away. The heat from his body pressed into her, she could feel it through her clothes. She had never in her life wanted someone to rip her clothes off until this moment. She wanted nothing between them. She hated the very existence of the fabric, she wanted to feel his skin on her skin. 

She wanted his sweat and the pounding of his heart and his fast breath. It was some sexual claustrophobia. She was starting to feel frantic. she ran a palm down his chest following the trail of hair under her fingertips and took him into her hand, and he sucked in a breath against her mouth. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shuddering noise as she moved back and forth. He lost his resolve and lowered himself onto her. When he eased inside of her, it was fireworks. 

She moaned and wrapped her arms around his ribs. She dug her fingers into his back. He growled at the pleasure. She kissed his chest. His movements were slow, deliberate, intense.

She loved how she could feel everything. It came over her in waves and she couldnt control her breathing or tongue anymore. She held onto him tighter as she got closer and he could feel it so he slowed down.

He didn't want her to go yet. He rocked back and forth with her. He kissed her and tucks her hair back as he cradled her. Then he started again, faster and deeper and she expected nothing less and she was climbing again.

She felt his mouth on her neck and his breath in her hair. They were going together now and she felt him release as she did. Glorifying their actions. He slowed until he stopped. He kissed her forehead and eyelids. He collapsed into her and hugged her. This might be her second favorite part of sex. The after. The cuddling.

When their tired bodies are still tangled into each other and both of them are out of breath and everything was warm and slow and glowing. Her chest is rising and falling rapidly and his arm was wrapped around her ribs just below her breasts and she knew if they stayed this way too long they would most certainly fall asleep just like this, sideways on the bed without a blanket or pillows in the middle of the evening when things still needed to be done.

"We have to move while we still have the willpower," she whispered. He chuckled unmoving. 

"My willpower has already left my body, Poppy. I'm sorry but we are stuck like this until morning." 

"Okay." Poppy agreed easily as she fell asleep in his arms. 


Ted laid there looking at her perfect face. Her eyes were closed and it's this way that he found her most beautiful. First thing in the morning, with no makeup on, and no worry either. 

"I can feel you staring at me, creeper," Poppy's first words directed at Ted was always how he wanted to start the day.

 "Want me to stop?" Ted pondered kissing the tip of her nose.

"Never," she assured him. Her eyes drift open and he stared at her long and hard then steal a kiss from her still lips.

"The bedsheet suits you." Ted remarked. Poppy blushed.

"Wrapping up in this sheet was easier than finding where you'd tossed my underwear." Poppy agreed. He hummed, and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"You look divine."

"I do not."

"I hope you never wear anything else." He kissed her then, chaste and tender. Poppy placed her hands on his chest and leaned in, enjoying the soft brush of his lips against her own.

"Please uncle Roy!" Poppy heard from outside the door. Then she heard a knock. 

"Roy's here for a playdate." Poppy remarked pulling herself out of bed. 

"PLEASE!" Pheobe begged. 

"Fuck no." Roy barked back. 

"Morning to you too sunshine

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"Morning to you too sunshine." Ted declared pulling open the door. Birdie ran past him and hugged Phoebe then latched onto Roy. 

"ROY!" Birdie declared. 

"Hey peanut, where is your mother?" 

"SLeeping." Birdie answered kissing his scruffy cheek. She giggled running a hand over his scruff. 

"Stop that." Roy barked. 

"You are so scruffy." Birdie countered. 

"What about Mr Mustachio?" Roy countered. 

"I like his mustache." Birdie assured. 

"And you dont like-'

"Morning!" Poppy declared. "Get out of the hall way come in like civilized people how about?" She suggested.  

"You looked properly fucked." Roy informed her. 

"SHHHH," Poppy countered. 

"Just saying."

"Little ears!" 

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