82. Belong

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"You may have noticed through the years I can be quite loquacious."

"No. To Nate. The anonymous source." Bread corrected.

"Oh. Wow. What makes you think it was Nate?" Ted countered.

"Yeah. Well, you know my philosophy when it comes to cats, babies and apologies, Coach."

"You gotta let 'em come to you."

"That's not gonna happen. Some people need a little push." Beard countered.

" Yeah. Well, I ain't pushing nobody."

"I think it'll help."

"Nate will be fine."

"No. It'll help you." Beard corrected.  "Coach, you keep trying to hold all this in, I'm afraid your mustache is gonna pop off."

"Oh. Then I'll look like that fella from The Hangover." Ted offered.

"Take a seat i got some news."

"Oh no." Rebecca murmured.

"Rupert's just bought West Ham United." Poppy remarked.

" No." Rebecca hissed. "Fuck it. And to think for a second, I thought him giving me his shares in the club was a kind gesture." she sighed thinking it through. "You know, I'm actually quite reassured to find out that he is still just a selfish conniving cock."

"Yeah. It does return a certain balance to the universe, doesn't it?" Keeley agreed.

"Promise me you will not go and work for him." Rebecca demanded.

"He can't afford me. Richmond is my football club. You know that." Keeley corrected. Poppy liked keeley. She was fun and loud and so damn confident. But she held back a groan.

"Well, that's if we get promoted. You might not want to work with us."

"Ted is going to keep up going, he's getting better every season." Poppt cut in.

"You just say that because you are shagging him." Rebecca countered. 

"The numbers prove it but he can only do so much, the team is out there playing, you can't blame ted for the losses alone." Poppy added.

"I know but its easier to blame the coach than the players." 

"Okay. Well, anybody else got anything they wanna talk about before we head out there?"

"Yeah. Um, I could, uh, uh, use some, uh... advice." Roy agreed. Ted gaped back at him.

"Wha... Hold on. Roy, are you saying you wanna become a Diamond Dog?" Ted declared.

"Fuck no. I'm just saying I wouldn't mind being in the room whilst it fucking happens." Roy corrected.

"Yeah. O-Okay. Well, how about a one-time visitor's pass for our junkyard dog here, yeah?" they howled out.

"Woof." Roy grumbled.

"Diamond Dogs, mount up!"

"Yeah. I gotcha." Ted moved to the window higgins was leaning in.

" Yeah. I'm just gonna stay put."

" Okay. Good idea. Yeah." Ted took his seat again. "You live, you learn, right? Thank you, Alanis. All right. Roy. Bark away."

Birdie was playing a word game on Poppy's phone while they waited for the match to start she held it up when she got a perfect score once again. 

"Good job my little smarty pants." Poppy agreed kissing her head. Then a text popped up from ted. 

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