17. Parka & Snow Pants

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"Not now Ted. Poppy is on television." Rebecca corrected.

"Poppys on television?"

"Woah! That's personal." Poppy laughed out.

The reporter laughed out.

"Alright alright, carrot cake." Poppy answered. "But coach lasso has found these amazing biscuits he wont tell me where they are from and brings them every morning for my daughter and I."

"Your daughter is backstage right now isnt she?"

"I never go anywhere without my little Birdie." Poppy agreed.

"You have such an influential presence in the female football world and your socials might I say are aesthetic goals."

"Thank you." Poppy agreed. "Birdie is my little model, so photogenic."

"So your new fragrance came out and I love the bottle." She held up a little clear football. ⚽️ "you are a working mum an entrepreneur and now you have shifted over to Richmonds management."

"The perfume was something I sort of stumbled upon because I dont like the really girlie scents. I like the darker tones. So I was playing with scents just for me but now everyone can try it out. Managing richmond alongside my sister has been so much fun though. I pray ted doesnt ever leave us he is so wonderful but I want to coach."

"And you do coach right now isnt that right?" A picture came up of Birdie in her uniform beside poppy.

"Yes. I coach Birdies team. She is my little superstar in the making."

"How do you have time for it all?"

"Well thats why Im single." Poppy agreed. "No time for men at present."

"Is there a man that could change that statement?"

"Woah!" Poppy countered. Her gaze shifted off stage to see Birdie smiling back at her.

"I thinks that all the time we have-" poppy mused

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"I thinks that all the time we have-" poppy mused. "Thanks for having me."


"Hey I saw you on the television today." Ted remarked.

"Oh God," poppy lifted her hands embarrassed

"No you were as beautiful as ever." Ted assured. She smelled amazing to.


"Yeah." Ted agreed taking a step closer. She thought he was going to kiss her. She wanted him too he leaned in before he stumbled back and poppys heart dropped.

"Sorry." Ted mumbled.

"No. I get it." Poppy assured.

"You are a beautiful, sweet, sexy woman, and someone is going to be very lucky to be devoured by you. It just can't be me not while im still officially married." Ted remarked. Poppy liked the possibility of a post married ted but she didnt want his son to be sad if they got a divorce but they were practically divorced so...

"So I'd appreciate it if you'd start wearing parkas and snow pants around me so I don't keep fantasizing about you." Ted admitted. Poppy chuckled.

"You are acomplicated man ted lasso."

"Im sorry if I-"

"No you were being your usual charming self." Poppy assured. "I might have devloped a crush."

"Well I might have too but im still sort of married." Ted remindd her.

"And I respect that". Poppy assured him. "Love a man with morals."

"They are coming in end of week. Henry and Michelle." Ted remarked. "I don't know what shes going to do or say but... I have to be open to anything right?"

"Do whats best for you," poppy offered. "But I know that's impossible. You are going to do what is best for Henry." Ted smiled softly.

"Its nice talking with someone that understands". Ted agreed.


"Ted! What happened?" Poppy demanded seeing a bump, already growing on his head. He had been looking at his phone and not looking where he was going, and he whammed right into the door.

"I mean, you know, it's my fault for staring at my phone." Ted remarked after he had whammed his head into the pole. Poppy held an ice pack to his head. "I just can't stop checking on my family's flight." It wasnt a complete lie. Photos from the gala had been circulating and there were quite a few of Ted and poppy that he just kept clicking in. "You know, I haven't shared this with too many folks, but, um, Michelle and I, we've been having some marital issues."

"Ted, you really don't have to talk about this if you don't want to." Rebecca assured.

"Oh, I don't mind." Ted countered. Rebecca held back a grumbled. "Tried couples therapy. Didn't like the other couple though." He chuckled to himself. "Oh, it feels good to laugh. Yeah, you know, our therapist gave us this code word to use. So if either of us says "Oklahoma," the other one has to tell the God's honest truth." Ted informed her. "Yeah, you know, it's pretty helpful. Did ruin the musical for me though." Another chuckle. "So now every time I hear, Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin', or, uh... what..." Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Surrey with the Fringe on Top, or... Shall We Dance? No, that's from King and I." Rebecca cleared her throat. "Anyway, if I hear any of those tunes, I immediately think about my wife telling me that my constant optimism is too much."

"And this... sharing of feelings is 'cause I opened up to you about my ex-husband at the gala." Rebecca realized.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well, that's a lesson learned."

"Oh, come on now. I bet deep down you kinda dig we're getting so close, right?"

"I do.'"

"Oklahoma?" Ted mused, a big cheeky smile.

"I do not." Rebecca admitted and teds smile faltered just for a moment.

"You are a great man ted. She would be a fool not to love you." Poppy assured. "But selfishly I hope shes fool." She whispered under her breath. Ted looked her way meeting her heated gaze.

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