38. Good Eye, Small Fry

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"Morning, boss." Ted remarked holding out the biscuits, "Here you are."

"Oh. Ted. I sense you're carrying around something today besides biscuits." Rebecca remarked.

"Good eye, small fry." Ted agreed taking a seat. "I hate to say it, Rebecca, but I think your football club might have been better off with a soccer coach."

"Where's this coming from?"

"Look, if we do end up losing on Sunday," Ted realized it was a possibility. "you just go ahead and do whatever you think is best for the future of this club, you understand? Even if that means this guy's gotta go..." He pointed at himself. "You know, you put that thing, and just... You know, whatever you got. Whatever you wanna do. I mean, don't really murder me, but, you know, just... All that. You get what I'm getting at?" Rebecca stared back at him silently. "fire me. You get the gist. Yeah."

"So you think you're not a "proper" football manager." Rebecca pondered. Rebecca wasnt going to fire Ted. Poppy would cancel her sister if she sent Ted home. 

"Someone who's never played the game before, or knows the rules." Ted mused. "No, I don't know jack diddly about any of it. Poppy is a good coach, maybe you... would want to hire her, she would be great."

"She would be great," Rebecca agreed. "But who cares? There's a great saying in Dutch football."

"Oh, I don't speak Dutch." Ted corrected. "Maybe Birdie could translate it for me." 

"That's why I was going to tell you in English." Rebecca assured. She chuckled. "Birdie would know it, she's quick to pick up languages." 

"Perfect. Lay it on me."

"Every disadvantage has its advantage."

"Ooh, I like that." Ted agreed.

"Sure, you don't know what you're doing, but doesn't that mean that you see the game in a different way than any other football manager?" Rebecca questioned. "And shouldn't that empower you to cause complete and utter confusion?"

"Cause confusion or create chaos."

"Trent Crimm, The Independent. Any bad blood between you and Jamie Tartt?"

"Jamie? No. That's a special young man right there." Ted assured. "Got talent for days, works hard, and he's got a jawline like the White Cliffs of Dover. I'm always rootin' for him." Jamie watched the interview and his face skewed up.

" What? Classic mind games, innit? Right. You can fuck off."

"Is Jamie Tartt doo- doo- doo, gonna be here?" Birdie questioned. 

"For the game, yes." Poppy agreed. "But not on our team." 

"Man city." She agreed. 

"Yes." Poppy answered. 

"Is he coming back one day? I miss his theme song." Birdie remarked. 

"Finish getting ready love." Poppy requested. "I'm going to call Ted." Poppy added as she put down her tea cup. Birdie ran off as Poppy moved to her bed laying down and pressing Ted's smiling face on her speed dial. 

"I wish I could have been waking up with you this morning but I know you are working hard at getting us a win today. Poppy said into the voicemail. "I'm always rooting for Ted." ME TOO! Birdies little voice came through and ted smiled listening to the message again. "Win or lose you get a kiss when this over. Bye."


"The Richmond faithful gather on a crucial night. Win and they stay up. Lose and they go down. They come here full of hope, but as they know all too well, it's the hope that kills you." Arlo announced.

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