76. Hate You Too

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"How you feeling, Ted?" Sharon questioned when she got to his place.

"I'm better, you know? Not great, but better." Ted admitted.

"Good. Because when someone's not great, that allows me to get in there and do my thing." Sharon decided. 

"When I was a kid, the only thing I liked about church was confession. It was so freeing. I'd just sit there and admit all the sickest shit inside of my brain." Keeley declared. 

"Stole it from a little boy in a white robe." Sass declared holding up a bottle of wine.

" No, Sass." Rebecca laughed out.

"So, Stinky." Sass pondered leaning in. " Who are you secretly shagging?"

"What?" Rebecca choked back.

"Oh, let's skip the part where you pretend you're not, yeah?"

"Oh, what are you even talking about? Hmm?" Rebecca countered.

"Yep not a clue, Rebecca is going through a long dry spell." Poppy agreed. 

"Um, how about the bullshit text after the date, the fact I have not seen you outside of work for two weeks, and that even though today is your father's funeral, you are glowing like a girl that just got properly plowed." Keeley shouted. Rebecca blushed. 

"Shit." Keeley and Sass gasped and screamed out.

" I knew it! I knew it!" Keeley declared.

"Oh, my God! You're right!" Sass agreed.

"That was all you, I kept my mouth shut." Poppy reminded her. 

"Why are we shouting?" Birdie questioned. 

"Birdie do you know who your aunt rebecca is dating?" Keeley questioned. 

"I... no." Birdie countered. 

"You have tricked the baby into lying for you!" Sass declared. 

"I've been asked to come in and tell you to lower your voices." Deborah remarked. "The vicar looked like he wanted to swear. Is everything all right?"

"We're just trying to figure out who Rebecca is shagging." Sass answered.

"Oh, I know. And it's good." Deborah agreed.

" Mother."  Rebecca shouted. Poppy laughed out. 

"Oh yes, she knows well." Poppy agreed. 

"Okay, let's play questions."

" Yes! Yes."

"Oh, my... This is thrilling."

"Uh, is he tall?"

"Yes." Rebecca admitted.

" Is it Sam?" Keeley questioned.

"How the fuck did you know that?" Rebecca shouted back.

"She's a witch." Poppy added. 

"Oh, my God! I fucking did!"

"Ted, it's not surprising that you had a panic attack. It's possible that going to this funeral would trigger memories of going to your own father's funeral."

"Nope. Nope, nope. I didn't go to my dad's funeral." Ted corrected. "Okay, why not?"

"'Cause he quit. You know, he quit on his family. He quit on himself." Ted shook his head. " And I hated him for that. I think I still hate him for it."

"I think you do too, Ted. And that's okay. What happened with your father is a difficult thing for anyone to make sense of, especially his teenage son. Do you agree?"

"Yeah, okay." Ted murmured.

"Okay, good. Why don't you share with me what happened?" Sharon encouraged. 

"I dont think I can." 

"Why not?" Sharon countered. 

"Because Poppy has shared so much deep dark secrets of her past with me and I can't share this with her... not fully." Ted admitted. 

"She wouldnt be mad or jealous, she just wants you happy and well." Sharon assured. 

"I know but... I feel like I owe it to her to tell her... for her to be the one to..."

"Ted." Sharon requested and he looked up from his lap. "Talk to me so you feel confident enough to talk to your girl."

"My Girl."

"Do you know what you're going to say in your eulogy?"

"I don't want to do a eulogy."

"Rebecca." deborah countered. "It would look awful if you didn't say anything at your own father's funeral."

"I don't care. I've got nothing nice to say. "

"What's got into you?" Deborah countered. "He was a good father,

a wonderful husband."

"Oh, was he?" Rebecca sassed.

"What are you so angry about?"

"I don't want to talk about it. Not today."

"Oh, stop behaving like a child."

"Fine, you really want to know? Because I am so sick of keeping secrets. Dad cheated on you, and I saw it. When you were away, and I was meant to be staying the night with Sassy. I even remember the date. It was Friday the 13th, ... in September. I remember the date 'cause me and a bunch of high school buddies were gonna do a marathon of all them Jason movies that night." Rebecca recalled. "So I, you know, came home from school as usual and, uh, went up to my room to... nick a bottle of wine from your drinks cabinet, and as we opened the door, I... I heard... Bang! So we went to investigate. I opened up the door, and... there he was In all his glory with his arse in the air with Mrs. Reynolds screaming his name. And Sassy didn't say anything for the first time in her life, and I just... Screamed and choked. Cried. And he came running after me in his dressing gown, begging me to stop, but I just..."

 Poppy would have been in elementary school at the time, just a little thing, where was she during her father affairs? She just never liked her father because he pushed her away, he didnt want anything to do with her unless it was football involved. That was the only time he cared. Otherwise she wasnt worth it. 

"I know."

" No, you don't know how I feel." Rebecca hissed.

"I mean, I know about his cheating. All of it." Deborah corrected.

"You knew, and you did nothing?"

"Of course I knew. I know everything."

"Then I hate you too." Rebecca agreed. "I hate you for letting him treat you like that."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, Ted." Sharon remarked.

"Yeah, me too."

"And I understand why you're angry with him." She added. "He took a lot away from you."

"And my mom." Ted added.

"And your mum, yes. I'm curious about something. What was he like?"

"He was a good man, you know. Real chatterbox, believe it or not. Probably could have been a little bit better listening box at times."

"What did you love about him?"


"You told me what you hate about him. I'd love to hear something you remember that made you feel good."

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