7. Lion or Panda

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"What would you rather be, a lion or a panda?" Keeley questioned.

"I don't have time for this." Rebecca countered.

"Okay. Ted?"

"Gotta go with panda." Ted declared, Rebecca spun back around.

"Are you mad? Pandas are fat and lazy and have piss-stained fur. Lions are powerful and majestic and rule the jungle."

"What happened to I dont have time?" Poppy questioned.

"Can I be  bird?" Birdie countered.

"Lion or Panda." Keeley corrected.

"Lion's are bad ass." Birdie agreed.

"Try telling that to an elephant. Can I be an elephant?" Ted questioned.

"Lion or panda."

"You know pandas eat their weight in bamboo." Birdie remarked.

"I did know that, my son told me that." Ted remarked. "She's a smart little cookie- biscuit." Ted corrected.

"SHe is the collector of random facts, I dont know where she stores them all." Poppy agreed.

"Panda." Ted repeated.

"Lion!" rebecca countered. "What's black and white and red all over?"

"The news paper!" Birdie declared. Poppy laughed out.

"My smart little girl." Poppy agreed.

"I don't know. What?" Ted mused.

"A panda that gets anywhere near a fucking lion. The answer is lion." Rebecca declared.

"What about you Poppy?" Ted questioned.

"I like being me." Poppy countered. "See you tomorrow Ted." she gave a little wave before nudging Birdie along.


"Hey, boss. Check this out. Pow." Ted put down another pink box of biscuits. "Let's tie up some loose ends from yesterday. First concert, Kenny Rogers, right? Best concert, we got Beastie Boys at HORDE Fest, 1995.
You're gonna love this story. Actually, did y'all get the O.J. trial over here?"

"Ted, please. I can't just have you waltzing in here whenever you wish." Rebecca corrected through a bite of biscuit.

"What if I soft-shoe in, huh? Little something like that. Or I can moonwalk in. Despite recent headlines, it's still a fun dance move to do." Ted assured demonstrating.

"Ted, Ted." Rebecca begged.

"You gotta see the way I see it, okay? Everybody in this building, part of the team. Part of AFC Richmond." Ted offered. "Team's gotta bond. All right? I mean, heck, Higgins and I are having lunch today."

"Yes. We're having salads in my office." Higgins confirmed.

"All right, catch you later, boss." Ted saluted her as he headed to the door. "Ah Poppy there you and bird seed on this one for Birdie."

"Mr Ted!" Birdie demanded. "Oh sprinkles!" She declared. "Thank you!"

"Well of course." Ted agreed.

"Thank you, Ted thats really sweet of you." Poppy agreed.

"Well I will let you get to it," Ted offered. "I know you women are busy, busy, busy," Ted remarked nodding to Rebecca. "Higgins, see you at lunch, huh?" Ted agreed heading out.

"Caesar you later." Higgins agreed and Ted ran back in pointing at Higgins, they tensed as his stare intensified.

Poppy laughed out as he stumbled into her

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Poppy laughed out as he stumbled into her.

"Yes. Yes." Ted agreed "I'm so sorry I rammed into you."

"I quite enjoyed it." Poppy countered with a cheeky grin that had rebecca gagging. Ted blushed to himself before heading out again.

"He's intolerable." Rebecca decided.

"I like him." Poppy corrected.

"Of course you do." Rebecca agreed.

Poppy was bored, Birdie was coloring. She hummed a little tune as she colored and Poppy decided to let the press in and get the room ready for Ted, no bubbly water for him, she understood she didnt like her water bubbly either.

"How was training?" Poppy questioned when Ted came in.

"Oh, it was fine... we are having a party for Sam. It's his birthday, game day this weekend, I'm getting a cake and... well I wanted to know if you and Birdie wanted to join us."

"We would love to, thank you." Poppy agreed.

"You are the one that gets this room ready?" Ted questioned.

"I do what needs to be done before the things needs to be done." Poppy countered. "I did all the digital mumbo jumbo I could handle on the computer, but I like to be hands on."

"I'm honestly surprised your sister didnt make you Coach." Ted admitted. "You know the game better than I, the team already listens to you."

"That they do." Poppy agreed. "I wanted it, if you ever leave us I will con my sister into giving me the team." Poppy assured. "But its better since Birdie is still little, when she starts school I wont get to fuss over her so much."

"Well I'm mighty glad for any help you give me coaching and everything you do behind the scenes that I will never see because its already done before I know it." Ted remarked. He looked to the water bottle his throat suddenly dry.

"No bubbles." Poppy assured. "I was going to let the press in... if you wanted to get situated or make a grand entrance," Poppy countered with a shrug.

"Grand entrance." Birdie cut in.

"Well alright," Ted agreed. "Birdie knows best."

"How are you feeling about taking on Crystal Palace this weekend?"

"A palace made out of crystal seems mighty fragile if you ask me." Ted mused. He winked over at Poppy as the reporters shouted out Coach! Coach!

"Trent Crimm, The Independent."

"I remember, Trent." Ted agreed.

"I'm just curious. Could you explain the offside rule?" Trent pondered.

"Well, Trent, I'm gonna put it the same way the US Supreme Court did back in 1964 when they defined porn." Ted offered. "It ain't easy to explain, but you know it when you see it." There was an awkward silence in the press room Poppy coughed clearing her throat. He wasnt wrong, no matter how many times Poppy tried to explain it her parents when she was playing they just shook their heads confused. "Yeah, this gentleman right here."

"Ernie Lounds, The Sun. This question's for Ms. Mannion."

"It's Welton." she corrected stepping forward.

"Of course. My apologies. Any thoughts on the newest Rupert girl?"

"Well, Rupert and I are no longer together, so... He may consort with whatever model-actress, actress-model he pleases." Rebecca offered trying to keep her expression light. Poppy nodded, her sister was a brave, strong, confident woman, Rupert and his idiotic life choices didnt effect Rebecca.

"No, the girl who came forward today is another one who was with Rupert while you were married." Ernie went on.

Who was this man? Poppy was going to make sure he was never allowed back in ever again.

"I mean, she says it started five years ago. And they kept it going until, well, still." he went on and Poppy knew her sister wouldnt want rescuing but Poppy saw her big sister tense, freeze and break down all at once.

"Oh." Rebecca froze, her mind debating and malfunctioning at the same time. "And all this time I thought men couldn't multitask." Rebecca offered. Poppy offered her a smile small from the sidelines. "I'm afraid that's all we have time for. Thank you so much."

"That was great." Poppy assured. Ted loved the relationship the sisters had. "I'm never letting that man step foot in here again."

"I froze." Rebecca countered.

"You reacted. There is a difference between the two. You also held back a reaction... what do you need?"

"A drink and a punching bag with Ruperts face on it."

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