57. Chief

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"Well, hey, let me ask you this now. You think we got ourselves a "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" situation here or what?"

"That depends. Does everyone agree that being winless with eight straight draws "ain't broke"?"

"Heavy is the head that wears the visor, Coach Lasso." Beard agreed.

"You must have a lot on your mind." Sharon remarked. "I hope we get a chance to sit down and talk about it all someday."

"Yeah. No, I look forward to that. All right. Good night, Doc... tor!  Doctor. Sorry."

"You can call me Doc. It's okay." Sharon assured.

"Oh, thank God. I mean, that's been killing me. You saw it, you know. It's just such a good nickname."

" Prince of Tides."

"Is that your nickname for me now?" Ted questioned hopefully.

"No, Coach Lasso. My favorite book."

"I think I'm getting through to Doc." Ted remarked. Poppy smiled closing her laptop as Ted moved around the desk, kissing her. 

"Of course, you got through to Roy you can get through to anyone." Poppy agreed. 

"Darn tootin!" Ted agreed. "You almost done?" 

"Yeah just finishing this up, can you track down Birdie for me?" Poppy questioned. "I think she said something about biscuits." 

"On it chief." Ted agreed, saluting her before walking off. 

"I got it!" Birdie declared spinning around. "Oh Ted! I didnt get you a cookie, I'm sorry." 

"Thats alright, can I have a bite?" Ted questioned. 

"Maybe..." Birdie debated it. "Okay." She agreed, ted chuckled taking a little nibble. 

"You know I could make you better biscuits." Ted remarked. 

"I know but this one is bigger than my face." Birdie countered.


"Bryants Barbecue." Poppy read off teds screen saver on his laptop. "Really good?"

"Oh the best." Ted agreed. "Im going to see if I can order us some." Ted typed in the website happily. "Shipping will be an arm and a leg no doubt but it will be- nope. International shipping is not an option. Darn. I was looking forward to it for a whole twenty seconds..." poppy laughed out kissing his cheek.

"So whats on the agenda for tonight?" Poppy questioned.

"Movie?" Ted questioned. 

"I like that idea." 

Poppy liked that she didnt have to worry about dressing up and trying to entertain Ted. He was a bit older and he didnt need to be wooed every night, he didnt need sex every night like most guys her age did. He liked it but didnt push for it constantly. She liked that he held her and never questioned that she was his. 

They put a movie on in bed but didnt watch it, Poppy shifted her position, putting her shoulder closer to Ted. That's all the cue he needed. He began rubbing her shoulder, tracing small circles over the edges. It's not a lot, but it's enough to send his heart beating out of his chest. Poppy did that so easily to him without even trying. 

He didnt know how long they sit like that with him rubbing her shoulder, but the attraction between them built more and more with each second. The movie was on and Birdie was curled up in Poppy's lap, Ted watched Poppy playing with Birdie's hair. 

Ted however found the edge of her shirt collar and slip his fingers under the fabric, tracing over the side of her collarbone. Her skin was warm against his touch, burning the tips of his fingers with each brush of his hand. Poppy smiled back at him and they played the game all over again, Ted drawing a circle pattern over her shoulder, but this time under her shirt. 

When Poppy brought Birdie to bed she ignored her previous spot and Poppy climbed into Ted's lap and he tossed the remote aside his hands wrapping around her. 

Just because he didnt push for sex didnt mean he wasnt eager for her touch. 

"Birdie is asleep." Poppy whispered. "We have to be quiet." Ted nodded zipping his lips with his fingers. "I love you Ted." 

"I love you, Poppy." he answered with a breathtaking kiss. 

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now