75. Cheer Up, It's a Funeral

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"Oh, my God, Mother! Excellent, that's where my spare keys went." Rebecca murmured. "Sam, you remember my mother?"

"It's a pleasure to formally meet you, Deborah. " Sam agreed awkwardly covering himself. "I sincerely wish I wasn't in my boxers right now."

"Mm-hmm. Boxer briefs." Deborah agreed looking him over. "And like clunky exposition, they leave very little to the imagination."

"I am so sorry." Sam whispered.

"Right, okay, that's all the pleasantries out of the way." Rebecca countered. "So come on, Mother. What's my father done this time?"

"He died."

"This didnt seem like a phone call type of thing." Rebecca remarked. 

"Whats wrong? Who died?" Poppy mused. 



"Our father died." Rebecca answered. 

"Well thats..." Poppy didnt know what to think about that. Neither of them were all that close with their father. 

"I'm so sorry!" Ted declared ready to comfort Poppy. 

"Did mum tell you?"

"Yeah... she came here and... saw my new bo in his underwear and then dropped that bomb in my lap." Rebecca agreed. 

"She saw S- him in his underwear?" Poppy countered. 

"She wants to us to come home before the funeral." Rebecca remarked. 

"Oh... right. A funeral." Poppy agreed. "I suppose I can..."

"I know." Rebecca agreed. "It seems stupid after everything." 

"He just wasnt around." Poppy remarked. "He wasnt..."

"I know." Rebecca agreed. 

"It seems weird to celebrate his life when we werent really in it." 

"You will come though? You wont make me suffer this alone?"

"Of course i will be there." Poppy agreed. 

"THanks... I will stop by this after noon pick you up?"

"Okay." Poppy agreed. She started getting things ready for Birdie while birdie worked on her school work at the kitchen table. 

"I'm so sorry Poppy."

"Thanks... I know fathers arent really... you dont have to come." Poppy assured. "I know you are still working through a lot with your father. It is not a big deal."

"Oh I... I want to come." Ted countered. 

"I would like you to be there." Poppy assured. "I really would..."

"I just..."

"I will go down today, I will leave you the address and if you can make it... if not I understand ted. I really do."

"I'm supposed to be consoling you but now you are consoling me." Ted chuckled weakly. "So where do you think your father is right now?"

"In the drawer of a funeral home."

"No. I mean, like, spiritually." Ted countered. 

"In the drawer of a funeral home." Poppy assured. 

"You know, growing up, I used to believe that if you did good things, you went to heaven. You did bad things, you went to hell. Now-a-days, I know we all just do both. So wherever he is, I hope he's happy." Ted remarked.

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