24. Ghost of You

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Queen of Kings / Ned Stark / Gendry Baratheon 

"Gentlemen, I am, by nature, a believer. Ghosts, spirit guides, aliens. Still, I can't actually tell you what lives beyond our physical world and what doesn't. What I can tell you, is that with the exception of the wit and wisdom of Calvin and Hobbes, not much lasts forever." Ted remarked as they gathered in the treatment room. "Hey, boss. Glad you could join us." Rebecca noticed Teds hand on Poppys back gently stroking her back. Noticed how Poppy leaned in, Rebecca wanted Poppy happy but couldnt she pick anyone else?

"Hello." Rebecca agreed giving sam a smile. "Yeah."

"Roy, why don't you get things started for us?" Ted offered.

"I was nine when I got scouted by Sunderland, and I'd never left London before. My granddad drove me all the way there, and it was freezing, and I was terrified." Roy began and the team chuckled. "I was fucking nine. Say something." He barked. The room went silent. "When I got there, he gave me this old blanket. He said it was to keep me warm and to remind me of home." Roy gripped the blanket in his hand. "And that was the last time I saw him. 'Cause he'd passed away by the time I got back for Christmas, so... That is why blankie means so much to me."

"Did you just say "blankie"?"

"No, I said "blanket." Conversation over. Sam, go." Roy barked. Poppy reached out grabbing Roys hand. He nodded to her.

"That was a sweet story." Poppy assured. 

"I have a blankie." Birdie added. "I'm not giving up my blankie." She countered. Roy gave her a gruff smile. 

"This is a picture of the 1994 Nigerian World Cup team. I pledged I wouldn't take this down until I made the team myself... and I still intend to do that."

THe team went on throwing things in, Colin put in the keys to his Lamborghini. 

"How you getting home?" Issac questioned. 

"Is that today's paper?" Ted questioned as rebecca threw it in.

"There's something in there about me, as usual, and I'm trying not to care." Rebecca agreed. "fuck the haters."

"Word." Ted looked to Poppy. 

"Remember the past but dont let it hold you back, tie you down." Poppy whispered. Ted couldnt see what it was but it was papers of some sort, not newspaper though like rebecca. 

"This is one of my favorite stuffies, mama was going to throw him out anyways because he's missing his stuffing and his eye, his leg is sort of falling off but he is well love," Birdie remarked. "But maybe the ghosts can play with him instead." Birdie tossed it in. 

"Thats real sweet of you birdie." Ted remarked.  

"All right. Everybody go?" ted questioned looking around.

"No. I wanna go." Jamie corrected stepping forward. "These aren't my first boots or anything. My mum gave me 'em. She was the one who got me into football in the first place." Jamie remarked. "Her and me dad split up when I was just a sexy little baby. She's the reason I work so hard. Just wanted to make her proud. She doesn't even care if I'm any good. Just wants me to be happy. Be a good lad." Jamie went on. "Once I got good though, me old man started showing up, didn't he? You know, bragging to all his mates every time I scored a goal. Calling me soft if I didn't... dominate, you know. And I hated that. I actually fucking hated that." Jamie admitted staring down at his boots. Poppy hoped that Ted could change Jamie, he was a playboy and he wasnt a team player but he was here, making an effort. Ted was getting through to him. "So, I made a vow to be so tough that he could never call me "soft" again. I wonder if sometimes... I forget about making her proud. I don't think that she would be lately." He threw them in the trash can.

"Well, gentlemen... What do you say we burn this crap?" Ted declared.

"Maybe we should do this part outside." Poppy countered. "Dont need a dozen more funerals." She added gently. 

Making their way out to the pitch the boys got ready to light a flame to the offerings. They stepped back as a flame shot up engulfing the space. 

"Excuse me, Ted. The eagle has landed." Higgins remarked as they headed out to the pitch.

"Hey, fellas. I think the only way to know if the curse has been lifted or not, we need to ask the spirits for a sign." Ted remarked. "Spirits..." He declared. "speak to us."

"Dani Rojas! Rojas! Dani Rojas." he declared sprinting out to them. Birdie clapped out from Poppys arms "I brought a bottle of mezcal to throw into the curse fire." Roy grabbed it from him.

"Hey, hey, hey. Rojas, look." Jamie countered. "Whatever ghosts it were that made you trip over, they're gone now, I promise, yeah. Crack that bastard open."

"Jamie's not wrong. Ghosts prefer empty bottles that we've all drunk." Roy agreed.


"Let us celebrate, amigos."

"That is a team united." Rebecca remarked. "You're very lucky that everything's fine with Dani's injury. I just never had you pegged as a gambler, Ted."

"I'm not. We knew Dani's okay hours ago." Ted corrected. "In fact, it was my man Higgins' idea not to share that info with the boys until after the ceremony."

"You don't say." Rebecca cocked her head at higgins. "Putting the team first, eh, Higgins?"

"Yeah, I suppose I am." Higgins agreed, Poppy gave him her seal of approval. Neither agreed with what Rebecca was doing. 

"Hey, Coach, you joining the party or what?"

"What do you say, boss? A lot warmer over there by the fire." Ted agreed.

""I'll respectfully pass."


"I got to get little Bird home, it's past her bedtime." Poppy countered. "This was fun Ted. Thanks for letting us in on this." she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek and Ted blushed staring back at her as she pulled back. 

"Of course." Ted agreed. "Wouldnt want to do it without you." He stared back at Poppy another moment before snapping out of his trance.  "What about you Higgins, coming with me?"

"Off you go." Rebecca agreed. 

"Richmond till we die. We're Richmond till we die. We know we are, we're sure we are. We're Richmond till we die. We're Richmond till we die. We're Richmond till we die. We know we are, we're sure we are. We're Richmond till we die."

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now