87. Pompous Pussy

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A step you can't take back / Aegon Targaryen out now!!

"Did you talk to Zava?"

"I basically called him a pompous pussy." Poppy corrected. 


"You would have done the same!"

"I did! I shouted at him and told me a fool to join west ham because they are already briliant and... we are fucked." Rebecca realized laughing out. 

"I didnt want him anyways." 

" Please welcome the newest member of Chelsea Football Club. Zava."

" Welcome, Zava. Please take a seat. All right. You just sign. And there's the pen." The manager requested. Zava gestured to the mic. "Please."

"We dont have to watch this." Poppy assured rebecca stared back at the television however.

"I have changed my mind. Zava will not play for Chelsea." Zava corrected the cameras went wild.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry. I can't watch this." Rebecca agreed.

"Zava will play for Richmond."

They gaped back at the television. The sisters shared a look before laughing out. 

"He... did I just..." Poppy laughed out. "did I hear that correctly?"

"AHHH!" Rebecca squealed out. 

"Please tell Jane I said hello." Ted remarked as Birdie skipped into the office. 

"I would, but, uh, she still finds our relationship threatening." Beard countered.

"Hmm." Ted cocked his head.

" Night, guys."

"- Good night." Ted called back.

"Night, Coach. " Trent added.

"What do you say, Mr. Crimm? Heck of a first week, yeah?" Ted questioned. "Oh birdie boo!" 

" And we've only just begun." Trent agreed. 

"Daddy you won!" Birdie declared kissing his cheek. Ted smiled into her, he would never get enough of her calling him daddy and hugging him like this. 

"Goodnight Birdie." Trent added. 

"Night, Daily planet!" Birdie giggled out. Trent looked to poppy as she came in smirking. 

"You told her to say that." Trent remarked. 

"You know you love it." Poppy countered. "Call me for a playdate with Cassie, Daily planet."  Trent gave her a side hug before heading out. "You hear the news?"

"What news?"

"We got Za-va." Birdie declared. 

"Oh shoot, really?"

"Yep, just announced it." Poppy agreed. 

"Well... this is going to be..."

"Yes." Poppy agreed. "good luck with him. But in the meantime, lets celebrate your win."

"Ice cream? I think it deserves ice cream." Birdie decided leaning into Ted as he carried her out. Poppy grabbed Ted's coat from the back oh his chair as they headed out. 

"Thats a great idea." Ted agreed. Poppy leaned over kissing him before they got in the car. 

"I knew we were going to win." Birdie remarked. 

"You did?" 

"I said daddy needs a win and then you won. I might be magical." Birdie whispered. 

"You might just be." Ted agreed.  "You know I can't get it in my head even after all this time, I keep thinking you want me to drive." 

"The day I let you drive it will not be in my car." Poppy assured. 

"Probably smart." Ted agreed. 


"Okay. So obviously Zava's gonna be moving into our starting lineup Which means, if my maths..." Ted remarked. "... are corrects..."


"... we're gonna have to sit someone." Ted murmured not wanting to say it.

"Mmmm" Roy agreed. .

" Who's it gonna be?" Ted pondered.

"Well, I think it's gotta be Colin."


"Mmm. Colin's a chameleon. He can change depending on a situation."

"Bigger issue is, you put Zava up front, either Jamie or Dani's gonna have to drop back to midfield. So, who do we think will take the news better? Dani or Jamie?" Ted questioned.

" Dani." They all answered.

"Yeah. Nah, Jamie's a lot like my mom's Precious Moments figurines collection." Roy agreed.

"I have no idea what that means." Ted corrected.

" He's a fragile little bitch." Roy answered.

"Brevity is nice, but sometimes clarity is the true soul of wit. Thank you, Roy. Um, it's almost ten o'clock, we should probably get going."

Poppy choked out a laugh and they turned to the door. 

"I'm sorry but that is the cutest thing Roy has ever said." 

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