92. Progmess

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"Hey... we didnt get to talk too much about Henry and..."

"Yeah..." Ted agreed softly as poppy got ready for bed. 

"You want to? Even just to vent?"

"I dont want to burden you.'' Ted countered. 

"Ted its not a burden. I love you." Poppy assured. "You want me to tell you of my shit day will that make you feel better about telling me what you are feeling?"

"Maybe." Ted admitted. 

"There was a spider in my office."

"The nerve!" Ted agreed. 

"Exactly, so I did my work outside but it was super nice outside so it wasnt a bad day after all. Now spill it." 

"That... wasnt helpful." Ted countered. 

"Come on, talk to me." Poppy begged. 

"I dont know what I'm feeling. I just miss him like crazy. I hate that Dr. Jacob is getting to be in his life every day- I dont know how often they are together but obviously enough to be in Henry's life." Ted pursed his lips, brow narrowed. "I just wish she... i'm being hypocritical." he realized looking to poppy. 

"Because I met Henry." Poppy pondered. "I met Michelle, she didnt like me. We didnt try to hide it either... you told me she sounded nervous when you found out."

"And Agitated." Ted agreed. "like I was going to ruin her happiness by knowing." 

"When you stayed over that first summer when we were testing things out. You told Michelle that Henry would be staying with us right?"

"Of course. She... didnt seem to care." Ted agreed. 

"When you called over last christmas and Henry ran off to play with his new drone, you called me your friend, but I know you called her back that night when we got home from delivering presents and clarified that I was your girl."

"My girl." Ted agreed kissing her. 

"She was trying to hide it. Maybe they are not serious, maybe she felt embarrassed or ashamed. I dont know what she was feeling. But I dont think she handled it well. But I might be biased with my opinion because  I know how amazing you are."

"I think I'm a mess." 

"No you are human." Poppy corrected. "A human that I really love." Ted wrapped his arms around enveloping her in a hug. She tilted her head up to him and his lips found hers instantly. "Birdie is at a playdate." Poppy whispered against his lips. 

"We are alone?" 

"We are." Poppy confirmed untucking his shirt. 


" Roy doesn't think we can beat Nate."

" Higgins doesn't think so either!"

" Beard said it to me first." Higgins countered.

" You throw me under the bus? How dare..."

"You walked in here this morning..."

"Oh, you're gonna sell me out?" Beard shouted back.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Y'all pointin' more fingers than Ganesha givin' directions." Ted cut in. "Now look, you fellas need to calm down and just kiss."

"He's right. Keep it simple, smartypants."

" An answer will show up. Don't worry. But until it does, here's a question for y'all: Am I a mess?"

"Thank you, "Zorro.""

"Oh, exactly, but it's, uh... It's actually pronounced, uh, "Zoreaux.""

"Why?" Zava countered.

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now