86. My Face Scored

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"... for the conclusion of the first half, and it's Chelsea 1, Richmond nil."

"you have to give Richmond credit for hanging on as long as they did, Arlo."

" Rupert's gonna land Zava."

" You don't know that." Keeley countered. 

"I mean he does tend to get what he wants." Poppy admitted. 

"Years ago, when I was bartending in that private club, Rupert and his then wife came into the bar. " Rebecca corrected. "He was the life and soul of the party. Buying rounds of drinks for everyone, telling stories. Just charm personified. And he left me a massive tip. And then about a week later, he came back without his wife and asked me out. I, of course, said no. Then he left." Rebecca added.

" What a dick."

"But then he came back the next night and the next night and the next. And he would just sit at the bar with a drink and chatted to me until close. And he just said, "It doesn't matter if you ever go out with me. It's just worth it being here to get to know you."" Rebecca recalled the words clearly because at the time he had meant it. Poppy loved how they used to be. Not him cheating on his wife but when he actually loved Rebecca, when she was the best thing in the world because they were good together for a while. He treated her and Poppy like princesses. 

"It's a fine line between stalking and romance."

"Mmm. And after about six weeks of that, he asked me out again. And I said yes without any hesitation. Because by that point.." Rebecca sucked in a sharp breath. "... I just felt so lucky because he wanted me. He made me feel special. Chosen. He made me feel like that."

"Hey, fellas. Listen up. We get one goal, we're right back in this thing, yeah? But right now, we are being so unoffensive, we might as well be a Hallmark Christmas movie, you know what I'm saying?" Ted questioned.


" What's that?"

"I mean, Coach, how many shots on goal we have that half?" Ted pondered.

" One." Beard answered.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Ted agreed. "And that one was pretty much a mistake. Am I correct, Dani?"

"Yes, it bounced off my face. But my face almost scored." Dani agreed. "Yes, it was close."

" Coach."

" Yeah, Jamie."

"One idea." Jamie remarked.

" What you got?"

"Right, so every time they're going past the halfway line, they're just..." Jamie began but was hushed instantly when trent came in.

"Mama, I need to go potty." Birdie whispered and they got up, she held tight to her hand as they headed to the owners bathroom, much more cleanly. "Are we going to get a new player mama?"

"I... personally dont want him but auntie Becca does." Poppy remarked. 

"Are we going to lose again? I want us to win. Daddy needs a win." Birdie added before heading into the stall. 

"Daddy needs a win." Poppy breathed back as she leaned up against the wall pulling her phone free from her pocket. We all need a win.

"Trent, hold on a second." Ted requested. "Roy, can I speak with you?"

"Oi, what the fuck's a Hallmark Christmas movie?"

"Hey, look, man, I don't know what your beef is with Trent, but I'm gonna need you to order off the vegan menu right now and squash it." Ted instructed pulling roy aside. "'Cause your ego's about to sabotage a whole lot more than a silly football match. You feel me? Thank you. And Hallmark Christmas movies are films that feature women from the big city falling in love with their childhood crushes. It's usually some fella that owns a Christmas tree farm. Sometimes he's also Santa Claus or a prince. They suck, but they're great. But they also mostly suck. But they're also kinda great. They're good with the sound off., Poppy likes them too, its a girl thing but I like then dont judge me." Ted altered. "Now go fix this, please."

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