43. Kebabs

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Love Story / Viserys Targaryen / Alicent Hightower / POLY out now!
Lonesome / Sandor Clegane out now!

"Kebabs. Roy loves this place." Poppy remarked. "I would invite you but, he doesnt love you like he loves me." Poppy mused. 

"No problem at all, give Henry and I some father son time, do something manly, right Hen?" Ted mused. Henry chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, I get it." He agreed. 

"There was a picture on the wall of Roy," Birdie remarked. "and he always demands they take it down or he gets his meals free. He pays every single time though and his picture hasn't moved down from the wall."

"Thats an interesting story," Ted peered in. "Hey there it is." 

"Roy hates it with a burning passion but he loves their kebabs more." Poppy offered. 

"His love outweighs his hate." Birdie agreed. 

"See ya," Poppy added kissing Ted quickly. "Have fun boys." 

"Will do, tell Roy I say hi." Ted requested. 

"Will do," Poppy agreed. 

"ROY!" Birdie declared running to his table. 

"Hey lil brid." Roy answered as she launched into his arms. "Pop." 

"Roy." Poppy kissed his cheek before taking a seat.

"I ordered for you." Roy informed her and nodded to the owner coming by with a tray of food. 

"Thanks, always delicious!" Poppy assured. 

"I get your picture on the wall?"

"No." Poppy corrected. "I wouldnt want to outshine Roy's portrait." 

"Fuck off." Roy countered. "I feel like I havent seen you." Roy remarked. "You hiding from me?"

"Yes. Totally." Poppy agreed before nudging him. "Henry is here, Teds son, we have been busy. Taking him to all the fun non football things." Poppy added. Roy nodded slowly as he took a bite of his kabab. 

"Too spicy!" Birdie spit it out and passed it to Poppy. "This is yours." 

"Thanks love." Poppy agreed taking a bite. She hummed. 

"You and Ted are really serious then." 

"Yes." Poppy agreed. "I love him, this is... this has been the best summer." 

"You like Henry and Ted, Little Bird?" Roy questioned. 

"Yes, Mr Ted Makes not french french toast!" Birdie laughed out. "He reads me stories and me makes mama smile a lot." Poppy blushed. 

"Alright then." said Roy. 

"Alright then?" Poppy countered. 

"I approve."


"You have never seen a movie night like Weltons do a movie night, Henry." Poppy assured him. 

"Poppy, how has Birdie never seen Shrek?" Ted demanded. Poppy turned around. 

"We have seen all the puss and boots movies." Poppy countered. 

"It's a cultural phenomenon. An epic love story. A comic masterpiece. I can't in good conscience allow you to continue through life without having seen it." Ted declared dramatically. 

"It sounded weird." Birdie countered. Ted leaned against the frame, arms crossed over his chest. 

"There are princesses in it." Ted remarked. 

"I like princesses." Birdie agreed. 

"She thought Shrek was scary when we tried to watch it before. A giant green guy." poppy shrugged. Ted looked wide eyed to Birdie.

"You love hulk." Ted objected. 

So they watched Shrek, Poppy made a spread of green foods and green desserts for their movie meals and Birdie jumped up telling Shrek to be nicer to donkey about a dozen times. 

The kids were dancing around to the end credits, Poppy leaned into Ted, his arms tightened around her. 

"I forgot to ask how did it go with Roy?" Ted questioned. 

"He gave his blessing for us." Poppy informed him softly. Ted turned her in his arms to see her properly. 

"He likes me." Ted agreed. 

"He does." Poppy agreed. "But I love you." 

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