23. Gullible

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"Okay, okay, I don't understand. What the heck happened, all right?" Ted demanded as Dani fell over clutching his shin. "Did you trip over something?"

"That's the thing, Coach. I did not trip over something. Something tripped me." Dani corrected. "Something not there."

"Yeah. Okay, Doc. Let's go get him looked at. Okay. You're okay." Ted assured.

"God, this is all my fault. I saw Dani go into the treatment room before training, and I didn't say anything." Sam whispered.

"That damn room." Poppy murmured.  "That was a big mistake, way to go Sam."

"I'm sorry!" Sam declared but she gave him a pat to let him know it really wasnt his fault. 

"How could you not say anything?" Colin countered. 

"Well, I hope you've all said your goodbyes 'cause we're never gonna see him again." Roy remarked, poppy laughed out. 

"Hey, that's enough!" Ted demanded. "One more person says something that me and Beard don't understand, I'm gonna have one of my son's classic temper tantrums. It's basically just him calling me a bunch of silly names, you know, like, I don't know, "dummy head" or "poo-poo face" or "poo-poo dummy" or... I don't know. What am I missing?" Ted questioned. ""Pee-pee fingers." he decided. "Come on, now. Spill."

"Those do sound like insults your son would give out." Poppy remarked fondly. "You should hear Birdie when she's in a mood, it's not pretty." 

"It's not." Roy confirmed. 

"I'm one for rabbit roles and I love Roy participation but- Back on track?" Ted requested. 

"The treatment room is cursed." Poppy remarked honestly. 


"It's true."

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?" Ted demanded.

"Well, I think it has a lot to do with grown men being embarrassed to admit that they believe in all this hoodoo, voodoo, juju business." Poppy offered. 

"ANd Poppy hates ghosts." Roy added. 

"You dont piss of spirits unless they deserve it." Poppy agreed. "What about you Roy?" Poppy sassed. 

"Hey, I don't believe it." Roy corrected.

"Okay, good. Then me and you, we're gonna go look in that room." Ted agreed.

"No." Roy corrected.

"Why not?" Ted countered, roy shifted from foot to foot, Poppy chuckled bumping her hip into him. 

"Because... No."

"Heck! Oh, man. I mean, Dani was out there, what, an hour ago? Running circles on that pitch like a joyous raven-haired golden retriever."

"Coach, is it true in America you guys have so many beautiful dogs in pounds that some get put down for no reason?" Sam questioned.

"That is true, Sam. But it's also something a lot of female singer-songwriters are trying to change." Ted assured. Poppy cocked her head back at Sam confused. "Look, we're not gonna put Dani Rojas down. I'll tell you that right now. Gentlemen, I need you to gather up the rest of the fellas. 'Cause we got ourselves a curse to reverse."


"Thanks for coming." Ted remarked. 

"Of course, but dont piss off any spirits." Poppy begged. 

"You believe in ghosts?" 

"You dont? I swear I was renting a flat with an old teammate ages ago and every night we both heard heavy footsteps pacing back and forth down the hall, at 2:16 on the dot. We both thought it was the other person with like a leg cramp, or having to piss, it wasnt us. It was a damn ghost." Poppy informed him. "We had a nice chat with the ghost- well she did, I shouted at 2:16 in the morning for the ghost to pick another time to haunt the halls that I needed my sleep... you know what she listened. We should just yell at the treatment room to stop killing our players." 

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