10. MVP

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Is it over now? Ned Stark out now!

"Roy, I learned two pretty big lessons on the rough-and-tumble playgrounds of Brookridge Elementary School. One, if little Ronnie Fowch offers you a candy bar, you immediately say no, and you get the hell outta there. 'Cause there's a good chance that little son of a gun has just pooped inside of a Butterfinger wrapper." Ted remarked, Poppys face scrunched up. "No one ever saw him do it, but a couple people ate it. Number two, if the teacher tells the bully not to pick on someone, it's just gonna make it worse."

" So, you're not gonna do anything?" Roy questioned.

"No." Ted agreed, Roy marched off.

"Why you winding him up?" Beard questioned.

"He's the one, Coach." Ted decided. "If we're gonna make an impact here, the first domino that needs to fall is right inside that man's heart."

"Knock, knock," Poppy said. 

"OH Poppy! Thank you. I'm sorry for summoning you like I'm the queen or something." Ted remarked. 

"I dont mind being summoned by you." Poppy assured. 

"I just-"

"Rebecca is killing the story, dont worry." Poppy added. 

"It's really not what you think-"

"Keeley is friendly with everyone, so are you, you dont have to explain yourself to me." Poppy assured. 

"I know I dont but I feel like I do." Ted admitted pulling her aside. Poppy liked that he wanted her to know how he felt. "I was just trying to get the low down on Jamie."

"I believe you." Poppy assured. "Jamie is a tough nut to crack." 

"I feel like you and me have gotten close and I'm still... and..." Ted stumbled on his words. 

"We are good Ted. Dont worry. Remember I believe in you, I'm on your team." Poppy added. 

"Thank you for that." 


"Can we have another movie night with Mr Ted?" Birdie questioned. 

"I would love that." POppy agreed. "You want to ask him today?" 

"Yeah... you like him mommy?" 

"I... do." Poppy admitted. "YOu like him?" 

"Yeah, he gives me 'bird seed''' she chuckled out. 

"Those are good biscuits." Poppy agreed. "I want to get out on the pitch before work, that alright love?" 

"Yeah," Birdie agreed. "Can I ride on the mower?"

"If they are mowing." Poppy agreed. 

"Good morning. I was just..." Higgins began.

"Waiting at the entrance so I'd see you were here on time." Rebecca agreed.

"Exactly. You seem in good spirits." Higgins agreed.

"Yes, I am. I've just realized something." Rebecca agreed. "Who cares if we can't run that picture? The bigger issue is that the local community is getting behind the team no matter how badly they play. It is an outstanding fan base. Yes, one I believe I can put an end to." Rebecca sighed looking to the pitch. "Poppy need not know anything." She added. "She will muck it up."

"Are you sure?" Higgins countered. 

"She has a soft spot for Ted." Rebecca agreed. She watched her little sister run the pitch, she kicked the ball up with trained precision and sent it flying into the goal. 

"Wowzah!" Ted declared. "She's really good, really sharp, get her out there with us! Whip the boys into shape." 

"Hello Ted." Rebecca grumbled. 

"She's got skill." Ted couldnt take his eyes off of her. 

"Ted, I spoke to the owner of The Sun." Rebecca cut in and Ted turned around pulling his gaze from Poppy. 

"You spoke to God?" Ted questioned.

"No, the newspaper." Rebecca corrected.

"Oh, right." Ted agreed with a chuckle.

"And he has agreed to not run the photo of you and Keeley."

"MVP! MVP! MVP!" Ted declared.

'Hi Mr Ted!" Birdie shouted waving to him. 

"Hey little Bird!" Ted declared. "Sorry, You were saying. Go ahead." Ted agreed.

"In exchange, I've agreed for his more reputable newspaper, The Independent, to do a profile on you." Rebecca added. "One-on-One with Coach Lasso." Ted nodded along. "The writer will be Trent Crimm. And he's very good, and the supporters really listen to him."

"Oh, no. I know Trent, yeah. He's a tough cookie."

"Really?" Rebecca mused. 

"Yeah, but that's okay." Ted agreed. "You know what you do with tough cookies, don't ya?"

" No."

"Dip 'em in milk." Ted agreed. 


"Thanks Roy," Poppy cooed. 

"Dont thank me." Roy countered. 

"Afterwards we should take the girls out for ice cream." Poppy added. 

"Poppy," Roy grumbled. 

"It will be so fun." Poppy declared. "I will play you for it," She decided. "Come on old man, you scared of me? Scared of losing to me?" 

"Fuck that. You are on." Roy agreed. 

"I'm going to be running circles around you." Poppy warned. 

"We got a new play." Roy added. 

"Oh yeah? What did Ted come up with?" Poppy pondered. 

"Nate actually." 

"Your kit man?" Poppy questioned. 

"Jamie is a..." Roy chuckled, deep in his throat. "Decoy."

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