101. How was Paris?

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"Birdie is all tucked in. Tired out from today." Poppy remarked kissing teds cheek. "You take your time with henry."

"Thanks poppy." Poppy hugged henry goodnight and went to clean up the kitchen. Fixed the blankets and pillows on the couch and finished up a load of laundry. Snuggled up in bed and picked up her book unable to focus on the words her tired mind drifting to ted in the next room.

"Asim was right, Marcus thought. They were failing, and worse than that, they were wasting time. They were gonna wait another day before meeting? That would only leave two days, and one of them was Saturday, when they wouldn't be at Breakfast Club. What if he never got his football back from the creature? What if... A large hand landed on Marcus's shoulder, and he spun around to find Mr. Anderson looking down at him. 'I heard you went under the fence,' he said." Ted read off. ' Oh, boy. We're gonna stop there for the night. Cliff-hanger." ted remarked. "Hey, how was your flight out?"



"Do you know I have the most air miles of any kid in my school?"

"Oh, yeah? Yeah, that don't surprise me. Things at school good though? You and Doug back on track and all that?"


"Birdie boo? I put you to sleep already honey," poppy reminded her as she tossed her book aside.

"Daddy didnt kiss me goodnight."

"Oh then you stay right here until daddy is done saying goodnight to henry." Poppy agreed pulling birdie up beside her on the bed.

"Can I have another story?"

" We're starting a band." Henry answered ted.

"Starting a band? Really?" Ted questioned. Henry nodded proud. "All right. What instrument are you gonna play?"


"Okay. Well, your mom's gonna love that." Ted agreed. "You know what? Now might be a good time to let you know that Dave Grohl learned to play drums on pillows. We don't have to tell your mom that though right away."

"Not as fun." Henry agreed.

"And they lived happily ever after!" Birdie declared.

"That was a great story. I thought you wanted me to tell the story?" Poppy questioned kissing her forehead.

"I did but i changed my mind. You really liked it mama?"

"I loved it. I love your imagination."

"Getting all your homework done?" Ted questioned hearing poppy and birdies laughter down the hall brought a smile to his face.

"I have to, or I can't watch TV." Henry agreed.

"Of course. You know how it goes."

" Homework. Dinner. TV time." They echoed.

"That's right. Good system." Ted agreed. "Does, um... Does Dr. Jacob ever, you know, hang out around TV time with you?"

"Who is that?"

"Uh, no. Uh, sorry. Jake. Uh, Mom's friend, Jake."

" Sometimes."

"Sometimes, yeah... Yeah. That's all right. Does he ever... read to you, like, at night? Like, bedtime? It's totally fine. Nothing wrong with that, I think that's great. It's good to have people in your life that are excited to be around you, you know? Especially if, you know... it's someone who makes your mom happy and all that. Which he seems to do. You guys get along all right?" Henry had already fallen asleep.

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now