63. Merry Christmas Wanker

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"Hey Becca's here." Poppy declared. "I just have to change!" Poppy shouted down. Rebecca gave her two thumbs up. 

"Hey boss!" Ted called down. 

"How's FaceTime Christmas with Henry going?"

"Well, I lost him to an overpriced guilt gift." Ted remarked. "Hubris, thy name is Ted."

"Grab a coat and follow Poppy. You're coming with me."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And wear the hat. It's a nice touch." Rebecca added. Ted smiled at his santa hat.

"Poppy likes it." Ted agreed. 

"I'm ready. You ready Birdie boo?" Poppy questioned. 

"You look as lovely as always." Ted remarked, Poppy wore a sleek button downed bright red coat, with thick black buttons. 

"Come on." Poppy grabbed his hand, Birdie had her reindeer ears on and Poppy had bobbly sparkly candy canes on her headband. 

" Where are we going?" Ted questioned. "You know what? Don't tell me. Don't tell me. That's all right. Actually, hold on. We're not going to Elton John's holiday party, are we? 'Cause if so, I'm gonna be severely underdressed. I could run right back upstairs and pop on this Donald Duck suit I bring with me everywhere."

"You do?" Birdie questioned. 

"You look perfect, don't worry." Rebecca assured.

"All right. I appreciate it."

♪ Last Christmas I gave you my heart ♪ ♪ But the very next day you gave it away ♪ ♪ This year... ♪

"I love the buskers y'all got over here." Ted remarked. "Always reminds me of that movie, Once. You ever see that?"

"Ah, great film, we saw it together, right Pop."

"Yep." Poppy agreed. 

"Yeah. Yeah, I loved Once so much, I saw it twice." Ted agreed. 

♪ I gave you my heart ♪ ♪ But the very next day ♪ ♪ You gave it away ♪ ♪ This year, to save me from tears ♪ ♪ I'll give it to someone special ♪ Rebecca tossed some money in the case.  Birdie stuck out her hand for Poppy's money and she pulled out some cash, she rarely had cash on her. Birdie dropped it in. 

"Good job! Really professional." Birdie remarked. 

"Oh, shit."

"I guess that's what I get for taking a tinkle next to John Holmes." Ted mused laughing at his spare change to rebeccas wad of cash. 

"Where is your driver Becca?" Poppy questioned Rebecca pulled out her keys. 

"You drove yourself, huh?" Ted questioned. "That's a Christmas miracle."

" Oi, wanker. Merry Christmas."

"Right back at ya, sir." Ted agreed.

"Did he just call you a wanker?" Rebecca questioned.

"Yeah, it's an inside joke. Mostly inside of him."

"Hop in, buckle up." Rebecca added. 

"Shotgun!" Birdie declared. 

"No, you sit in back with me." Poppy corrected.

"What are we doing?"  Ted questioned. 

"You didnt want to know." Rebecca reminded him. 

"You are going to love this." Poppy assured, they listened to christmas music, Birdie told rebecca all the presents she got and instructed her to come over later for supper. When they got out of the car Ted grabbed a large santa sack, confused but he grabbed it. 

"This one?" Birdie questioned as she rung the bell. 

"Mom! There are four white people at the door and they're smiling!"

" Can I help you?"

" Good afternoon." Rebecca remarked. "We work for Santa Claus, and I believe he received this." Poppy held it out. 

"My letter." The little girl declared. 

"You have very nice writing." Birdie added. 

"Yes, we're terribly sorry that your presents didn't arrive last night." Rebecca agreed. "But as elves we've been personally directed by Mr. and Mrs. Claus to deliver your presents this afternoon and to apologize for the delay. Am I forgetting anything?" She looked to Ted.

"Well, you see what happened was Rudolph's nose shined so brightly that it rendered me unable to see, and I was... I was, uh, delirious for several minutes." Ted added. "And I ended up putting this whole sack of goodies on the wrong sled." Ted chuckled. "I mean, you know, ain't that nuts?" the little girl stared up at them. Poppy nudged Ted.  "Uh, anyway, this bad boy's been around the world at least twice over the past day so, uh... Yeah, you smell that? That's the Himalayas right there." she breathed it in. "That's all for you."

"Am I getting notes of Beijing?" She questioned, Ted smirked.

"Oh, I bet you are, yeah." Poppy agreed. 

"Thank you."

"You're so welcome."

"Merry Christmas."

"That was pretty dang neat. Thanks for letting me tag along."

"Oh, my pleasure."

"How long have you been doing this?" Ted questioned.

"For years, but then Rupert... You know, I should have done it last year, but I just sat by myself instead. Drinking and plotting horrible things." "

"Oh, yeah? Like what?"

"Look, I know all too well how stunningly shitty the first Christmas after you get divorced can be. But you and Poppy are perfect together, I'm really glad she has you." Rebecca remarked. "I didnt have that,  I mean I did have poppy but obviously not like you have her." Ted smiled looked to Poppy and Birdie, Birdie riding on Poppy's back. 

"So, uh, what now?"

"Oh, I figured you could just drop me off at home and then go get all decked out for Sir Elton's party."

"Ah, I might not go." Rebecca countered.

"Really? You're willing to miss a puppet show by Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz? 'Cause that sounds like a lot of fun."

"Don't get me wrong, they are incredible. But all I really want to see those two do together is fuck."

"Language around the baby!" Poppy begged. 

"Yeah, no. I get that. Yeah. You got any other ideas then?"

" You'll see." Rebecca countered as she got in the car.

"Huh? Oh, you want me to drive?" Ted questioned. 

"What?" POppy questioned. "Have you driven here?" 

"The steering wheel's on this side. Right, I'm the one with the accent here. I forgot. Sorry."

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