95. Upset The Baby

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"Chris, since their loss to Nathan Shelley and West Ham last month, it seems the Greyhounds have been dropping like a stone."

"Well, all objects drop at the same rate, Arlo. Except feathers."

"Well said, Chris. When Zava arrived, it was sunny days. But now, if you're a Richmond fan, you've got to feel like nothing is going your way."

"Sometimes I think we need to get rid of reporters, they are always being mean to us." Poppy remarked looking to Trent. He had his pen in his mouth and his eyes drifted to poppy.

"Want to say something Poppy?" He questioned letting his pen fall to his lap.

"No." She assured sweetly.

" Things go from bad to worse as Richmond welcome Manchester City mid-week. They are not in form to finally crack the code against their sky-blue tormentors as they fall to ninth place."

"I knew positive thinking was bullshit!"

"Oh. Wow, that's not very nice." Higgins murmured

" What?" Poppy questioned turning down the broadcast.

"Even with Zava, Richmond eat more arse than your mum."

"Buddy, you gotta get off Twitter." Ted corrected.

"This is a text from my father." Higgins corrected. Poppy sighed moving to Ted.

"Oh, boy. I just don't get it. You know? The effort was there, as always. We just can't get over that hump. I don't know what the heck the problem is. Do you guys? Poppy fix them please." Ted begged wrapping his arms around her. She loved that he always liked to have a hand on her.

" Our defense is in shambles.  Our offense is stale. And if the boys are gonna fucking stand around watching fucking Zava all fucking match, we should make them buy fucking tickets." Roy barked.

"Pay up Roy!" Birdie declared as she sauntered in. He handed over a 20. She stared down at it.

"I'm paying it forward." Roy answered.

"Mama look!" Birdie declared.

"Paying forward a lot." Poppy realized.

"Okay, so some constructive criticism.  I appreciate that." ted agreed as rebecca came in. "Hey, Boss. What's going on?"

"I just have one quick question for you. Are we ever gonna win another fucking match?" Rebecca demanded.

"Pay up!" Birdie declared.

"What?" Rebecca countered.

"Swear collector." Poppy answered.

" Um.. Well, I hear the concern in your voice and its volume. And it's funny 'cause we were just brainstorming in here, coming up with some real strong solves." Ted offered looking around his coached. "You know what we're gonna do? Pretend this club was a ship. We're gonna take that ship, we're gonna turn around. Go against the tide, point that baby right at the North Star and follow it all the way home." He pointed off into the distance.

"That's north, Ted."

" This way is. Okay."

" I'm pretty sure it's that way."

"I'm directionally challenged, dont look at me." Poppy countered.

" That's what I meant. That way." Ted agreed.

" No, it's right fucking that way."

" You know, I'm discombobulated." Ted agreed.

" No! You're all wrong! It's that way!" Birdie demanded.

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