45. Pass Out

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School was starting in a few days and henry was heading home. Ted was crying as they dropped henry off at the airport. Poppy realized this wasnt forever. She loved him but half of his world was in the states. As much as the summer was so much fun having henry here. He had a life that wasnt london. Poppy wiped at her own tears knowing this wasnt forever. Yet ted was the first man that she loved... ever maybe.

"First day of school!" Ted declared as Birdie put her backpack on. Poppy handed her a lunch box and grabbed her hand. 

"You look absolutely perfect, Birdie Boo!" Poppy declared. "I can't believe my baby girl is going to school! I am going to miss you all day." 

"I'm going to miss you more." Birdie assured. 

"I have to go into the office - work, meh-" ted mused. "but I want to hear all about school when you get done today!" Ted declared. 

Boring. That was how Birdie described school. She already knew everything. She liked the other kids but they were all idiots. They didnt know how to spell their names, they didnt know their numbers, they didnt know their alphabet and they didnt find her fun facts fun, they went right over the other kids heads. 

"It's just day one." Poppy reminded her. "And you are always my smarty," Poppy added. 

"Plus the other kids dont have parents like your mama."  Ted added. 

"Yeah, thats a good point." Birdie agreed. "But the teacher shes not very smart either. She talks really slow, like we are babies." 

"Why dont I come in with you tomorrow, talk to your teacher." Poppy decided. 

"Okay but you cant always fix stupid." Birdie countered with a shrug. 


"Hey how did the second day of kindergarten go?" Ted questioned. "Why are you not in school? Some holiday I'm not aware of?"

"I passed out." Birdie corrected.

"You did?" Ted looked to Poppy. "Are you alright? You passed-"

"She took a placement test and she is kind of a genius, they want her to go to a gifted school." Poppy remarked tugging at her ear annoyed, trying to rub away her frustration.

"Well that's... not good by the look on your face." Ted realized.

"Of course my baby is a genius, she has been a smarty pants for ages, and I want her to have the best, but... It's a private fancy pants school far, far away. I either have to send my five year off to boarding school or I move. I refuse. I told them just put her in kindergarten with every other five year olds and they gave me attitude about not caring about my childs future. So I told them to F off and now I'm homeschooling her."

"You go boss lady." Ted agreed.

"Thanks." Poppy agreed as he kissed her cheek, she blushed into him.

"We stopped off at Barnes and noble!" Birdie declared. "Picked up my curriculum!"

"They gave me her transcript of passing the fifth grade tests. So im starting her at sixth. Its crazy. She will have graduated high school by ten at the rate she learns."

"I'm going to start reading through my books!" Birdie declared. 

"Am I being stupid ted?" Poppy questioned as Birdie pulled her books out of the bag. She squealed with delight. 

"No, look at her, she is so happy, she loves that she get to spend more time with you. I havent heard her ever call you an idiot and she called her whole school idiotic yesterday." Ted added. Poppy chuckled. 

"Should I uproot our life?" Poppy whispered. "Give her, her best chance?"

"You are Birdie's best chance." Ted corrected. "You are her mother, no one else alive has her best interest at heart more than you do."

"Thanks Ted." 

"Besides, I would miss you, so its partially selfish but I dont think Birdie would want to move. She likes bossing around the football players." 

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