42. Magical

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Ted rolled over from his side of the bed yes he now considered poppys bed their bed. Her side and his side and he rolled into poppys back side, tucking his arm around her waist and pulling her into him.

He loved this. He loved the closeness. He loved poppy so much. He loved how he never felt less than around poppy. Always felt like he was enough just being himself.

She wiggled herself back into him and let out a small moan. She laid her arm over teds and nuzzled into him as deeply as she could. He put his chin into her neck and breathed in her scent.

"Good morning, Poppy," ted whispered into her ear.

"Good morning," said Poppy, almost growling the way she does on the weekends before she has her not so garbage water.

"It's Sunday, whose turn is it to make breakfast?" Ted asked kissing her neck. Since ted moved in they had fallen into the routine of taking turns making breakfast for each other on Sunday mornings while the other was in charge of music selection and entertainment for the chef. The kids had become the su chefs.

"It's definitely your turn," poppy decided.

"Do you want not French french toast or an omelet?" Ted chuckled.

"Definitely your famous not French french toast." She turned to face him a smile on her lips. Her kissable lips. He kissed her as they heard henry and birdie up.

Ted picked up his phone annoyed that he was being called into the office, for a meeting with the boss. Usually he would be excited but not with his three favorite people here. Poppy assured him they would have fun and not to worry. Two long hours later ted was back and Henry was giggling. 

"Did I miss anything interesting this morning?" Ted questioned kissing Poppy hello. 

"Well, I've been introducing Henry to my underground gambling ring, but he hasn't impressed me yet." Poppy answered without missing a beat. Ted's mouth twitched.

 "Have you?"

 "Yep." Poppy sighed dramatically. "The kid has no poker face. I don't think he's cut out for it." she added. 

 "I'm not sure if I should be grateful or disappointed." Ted remarked glancing back at Henry and Birdie playing cards. 

 "Definitely disappointed." poppy informed him. "If he can't handle blackjack, how are we ever going to get to Texas Hold'em?" Poppy declared. Ted nodded seriously, Poppys face was just as serious, Ted loved her. He really did.

 "Well, this does sound much more educational than multiplication tables." 

"Oh, he's definitely not ready for that. Henry blows past twenty-one nearly every hand." Birdie cut in. Ted laughed out. "Dont worry I'm really smart." She added. "I will help him."

"Thank you ms Birdie." Ted agreed, Henry laughed out tipping over onto the floor. "I'm glad you had a good time." Ted added. 

"Ms Poppy said we can go to Harry Potter world!" Henry declared. "She said we have to wait for you, but now you are back."

"Wow! Okay!" Ted agreed. "We need to get you two sorted and into attire." Birdie remarked. 

"I'm Gryffindor." Henry declared. 

"I'm Ravenclaw." Birdie remarked. 

"I think Ted is Hufflepuff." Poppy added. 

"And let me guess, Ms Slytherin?" Ted mused, she nodded. 

"This is going to be so fun!" Birdie squealed. They got Henry and Ted some house pride, Birdie and Poppy had their own already but of course they needed more, never enough Harry potter swag, as if JK Rowling wasnt rich enough. 

"Explore this Harry Potter world of magic and mystery!" Birdie declared as Poppy got the kids wands that could be used throughout the theme park. 

Start your visit by walking into the Great Hall and marvel at Hogwarts Dining Room. Ted looked around at the floating candles and the extravagant house banners. Henry and Birdie ran ahead, Poppy snaped about a million pictures of them.

"Flip that camera around." Ted instructed pulling her back into him. She smiled taking a burst as Ted kissed her cheek. That was a keeper. 

Next they Walked along Diagon Alley and saw some of the shops including Gringotts Bank and Ollivanders wand shop. They stopped in Ollivanders for a wand demonstration. 

Enter the Forbidden Forest, an area strictly off-limits to Hogwarts students!

"We are going in! We are rule breakers!" Birdie laughed out grabbing Henrys hand. "I'm out at spiders." Birdie added. "I dont deal with spiders." 

"Me either." Poppy agreed. 

They saw all the amazing costumes props and visual effects that the cast themselves wore and used, like the invisibility cloak and Chamber of Secrets Door!

"OHHH!" Ted declared. "Thats were Voldemort was hiding, Henry get closer, open it."

"No!" Henry laughed out. 

"He's not down there." Birdie reminded them. 

"Alright everyone get in here." Ted requested as they got to the line for the train. THey took a selfie on Platform 9¾ then they each pretended to push the trolley cart through the wall before they hopped onboard the Hogwarts Express train.

They watched the fake scenes pass by the window. Poppy leaned into Ted he wrapped his arm around her as the kids jumped up peering out the fake window, but the train was moving them to a new location. Because when they got off they were at Hogsmeade.

"Time for a drink?" Poppy suggested as they took a seat. THey ordered four butterbeers at the Harry Potter Cafe and some crisps. 

pass the Leaky Cauldron pub on your way in, and enter the alley which is completely hidden from the muggle world surrounding it. They also saw the boarded-up windows of Florean Fortescue Ice Cream Parlour and the joke shop, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

They would have a proper supper when they got home. Birdie was excited to ride a broomstick next. 

"She could have been an actress." Ted remarked as Birdie flew on the broom. She tipped back and forth as she watched the screen dodging fake blugers. Henry was up next and he felt silly he was laughing out as the green screen around him didnt feel like he was flying but Poppy and Ted cheered him on. 

They took the train back and finally found the potions classroom. Poppy liked this most of all. Of course she did. 

The studio had recreated over 950 potion jars, each filled with interesting objects like shrunken heads or dried bones.

Birdie was tired at the end of the day, Ted picked her up as they headed out. It was a magical day. 

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