16. Hulk Smash

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Muggle / Severus Snape out now!

"Marvel movies are life." Poppy corrected.

"You like superheroes?" Ted questioned. "It's hard to know whats popular this side of the pond."

"Yes Ted. Marvel is worldwide." Poppy assured.

"I like-"

"Let me guess. Captain america? Because he's your all American boy." She put on her best southern American accent. Ted laughed out.

"is that what I sound like?"

"No I like your accent."

"Well thank you and you are right. I like Steve Rogers." Ted agreed. "You?"

"Loki." Poppy purred.

"The villain!" Ted declared. "Oh no," he chuckled.

"And Bucky."

"You like the misunderstood." Ted offered.

"That's a nice way of putting it.'' Poppy agreed.

"You like the bad boys."

"All girls like a bad boy until they find a good guy to treat them right." Poppy agreed. "I like my bad boys fictional and my real men to be as charming and devoted as Steve." Ted chuckled.

"That's a nice way of putting it."

"Thank you."

"I like the hulk!" Birdie declared. "HULK SMASH!" She shouted pounding her fists on the couch.

"WOW! You are good," Ted decided. "You should be the next bruce Banner." Birdie giggled.

"Thanks for coming over." Ted remarked.

"Of course Ted. Birdie loves you."'poppy remarked.

"She does? Aw that's great."

"You miss your son ted?" Poppy questioned.

"Yeah. I facetime him every day but its not the same."

"What was his name? Henry?" Poppy recalled.

"Yes. Henry". Ted showed her a picture on his phone and poppy smiled.

"He looks like you."

"You think?"

"Yeah. Hes got your smile and your eyes. Definitely your grest hair." Poppy agreed running a hand through teds hair.

"Hes coming up -coming over I should say for a visit and im a bit nervous."

"Nervous about him or your wife?" Poppy reasoned.

"Wife... we are separated. Sort of. She wanted space and I gave it to her but... tell me about birdies dad." He requested instead.

"Hes a shithead". Poppy remarked. "Nicest way of putting it for Birdie ears."

"Im sorry."

"I played football as you know". Poppy remarked. "I was good too. On track for captain but my coach was mad I kept turning him down. Then at a party... I got drunk at a party and..."

"He..." ted didn't want to even think such a thing.

"My coach. I kept getting fragments of that night back. They did a random drug test found drugs in my system. Random. The wanker. He drugged me. Raped me. Set me up to fail and I was kicked off the team."

"Oh Poppy," ted whispered reaching for her hand.

"Becca wanted to fight it but it was his word against mine. The drugs in my system were carefully concocted. I never did drugs in my life." Poppy assured. "He called me unstable and irresponsible. I didn't know I was pregnant for almost eight months." Poppy added. "I had put on some weight but I ddint look pregnant. I stopped training every day hours and hours of course I gained some weight but it wasnt... then I got the flu had a UTI all the fun things and found out I was pregnant. Didn't have much tome to prepare. Becca and rupert helped me a lot actually. Rupert footed the bill then a month later I popped out my little birdie. All the pain that awful man caused me... yet I got the worlds greatest little gift. My Elizabeth."

"I was wondering with Birdie was short for." Ted remarked. "Sorry... Poppy I don't know why you told me. But im glad you trusted me to tell me such a private and im sure very difficult thing to discuss. Im glad you told me."

"Whats going on with your wife?" Poppy questioned. "Come on I spilled my deep dark past. Open up Ted Lasso." He sighed as poppy slid to the floor to be closer to Birdie.

"Michelle. She said something about hating my constant optimism."

"Yeah I can see that". Poppy admitted

"Thanks". Ted murmured.

"Its okay for everything to not be okay". Poppy reminded him. "You are coaching a football team a sport you know little to nothing about. You left your wife and son because she wanted space. You are a great guy Ted. Any woman would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks." He repeated.

"Back to Michelle."

"She fell out of love with me. I think I have to let her go. I thought it would be harder but..." he shrugged. "Maybe it's because she is so far away. Maybe it's because you and birdie have been such a nice distraction but I feel like maybe..." ted shook his head. "I promised myself I would never quit at anything."

"Is it quitting or changing paths?" Poppy countered. "Sometimes the world throws roadblocks in your path. Do you keep pushing on even though all the signs say the stop?"

"No, of course not. I listen to traffic laws and violations. Also, I'm still getting used to driving on the wrong side of the road. Therefore, I have not driven anywhere." Ted remarked. Poppy chuckled.

"It's not giving up ted. It is not quitting. You are not a quitter. It's turning the car around and veering off to a side road, which could lead to turn even better destination." She shrugged. "But what do I know I've never been in a serious committed relationship before."

"You are a wise strong woman poppy welton."

"Thank you Ted."

"You're raising wonderful daughter." He added.

"Thank you ted." She repeated. He lifted the glass.

"To Road blocks and how we get around them." Ted declared. She laughed out.

"To road blocks."

"I have a feeling you're the type of girl that runs through roadblocks in hopes there's not a pothole, or cyclone on the other side of them." ted added.

"Yes, that is definitely me and my way of thinking." she agreed "plow on through but we were talking about you."

Paris / Ted LassoWhere stories live. Discover now