62. My Girl

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"Aw. Nate, is this a photo of you and me after our first win?" Ted questioned smiling down at the picture.

" Yeah." Nate agreed.

" Thanks, buddy. I appreciate it." Ted remarked reading off the writing on the picture. "Look at that. Ted, thank you for everything you've done for me. Nathan". Ted smiled. " Aw!"

" Aw. What a lovely inscription, that you wrote completely over my head, face and body." Beard countered.

"Merry Christmas boys!" Poppy declared as she passed through the locker room. She moved to the office. "Ready?" 

"There is my girl!" Ted declared. "My girl, my girl, my girl," Ted sung out. Poppy leaned into him kissing her, his arms wrapped around her. "Lets go."

Birdie loved Christmas, she was waiting for the snow however. She pouted up at the snowless trees and houses. 

"Let the festivities begin!" Poppy declared. 

"So gingerbread." Ted recalled poppy and rebecca talking and poppy said gingerbread brought back fond memories.

"My family is sort of a mess." Poppy remarked as Birdie cut out the gingerbread figures. "When I was little Becca and I would always do gingerbread house building competitions and mum would make- she was a great cook she doesnt cook much anymore- she made fresh gingerbread and we munched on gingerbread november first to probably February." Poppy admitted. "I think of the good times whenever I have gingerbread."

"You don't talk about your parents."

"They are difficult. My mum and dad are a toxic relationship. I'm quite a bit younger than Becca although she doesn't look it," Poppy added. "So all I have ever really known is bad relationships. Dad messed up, mum ran off, he bought her love back time and time again, I got used to mum leaving me, Becca was already off at Uni when mum left for a few weeks came back like nothing happened. Anyways I try to keep the good memories and traditions alive."

"That's really lovely, I'm sorry you have had such a... hard seems like not a good enough word." Ted admitted. "Difficult seems rude..."

"You always make me smile." Poppy said softly. Ted smiled back at her. "You do it so easily."

When they woke up on christmas morning Birdie was jumping on their bed. Poppy yawned stretching out. 

"Merry Christmas!" Birdie declared kissing Poppy and hugging Ted. 

"Morning Birdie Boo!" 

"Merry christmas my little love!" Poppy agreed. 

"Presents!" Birdie demanded running to the kitchen for sweets for breakfast. They climbed out of bed but ted pulled poppy in close. She smiled kissing him. 

"Merry Christmas, Poppy." Ted whispered. 

"Merry Christmas." She answered snuggling into him, but their moment of peace was interrupted by shouting for them to hurry up. 

Poppy sipped her tea while Birdie tore through her presents. She smiled as Ted kissed along her cheek and neck. Birdie held up her presents before holding them close and cuddling her new toys. 

"Mama whats... AHHH!" She screamed holding her American Girl doll campaign up. "LOOK!" She squealed. "LOOK! IT'S ME! IN THE MAGAZINE!" 

"Open that one next." Poppy requested. 

"We are putting this on the fridge!" Birdie declared. 

"Open that one." Poppy repeated but Birdie was in love with her American Girl doll photo shoot. Birdie finally put it down and opened up the box, she gasped looking to her mum and back to the doll. 

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