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Ryleigh's POV:

I expected them to come but not this early.

Digging through Jordanne's desk, I desperately try to find the deed.

*Duh f*ck it up*

Now is really not the time for my subconscious to be annoying...

Deven have on mi glasses...

My fingers quickly slip through the files, only coming to a stop when I recognize the paper.


I pull it out and slide the desk drawer shut, before running back to the front door. By now the officers are approaching the entrance.

I take a quick glance around the room, observing the shock, fear and slight anger lingering on all their faces.

My friends that is.....

I notice that Kelly has made it from upstairs. She didn't want to join us at the supermarket or for Bridgerton but she's joining us for the blue lights....

'Don't talk to nobody, don't explain yourself, just do the do' the memory of J's words cloak my hippocampus.






Panic attack

*Just relaxxxx.....*

I watch as Mr.Wellz leads a team up towards me. Snoop looks at me with a million questions but I have already turned off that side of me.

The side where I have to explain or grant comfort to anybody. The focus is now on protecting Jordanne like he's always done for me.

"Good night, we--" Mr.Wellz starts his statement but I cut him off.

"May I read the warrant Mr.Wellz?" I ask peering down at him from the entrance steps.

He smirks with confidence, handing me the signed sheet.

I start to read.....Blah Blah Blah....Blah..... the premises and all parts therein, including all rooms, safes, storage areas, containers, surrounding grounds, trash areas, garages and outbuildings assigned to the residence of Jordanne Robert Sheer.

Then a which idiot write this?

A small smile pulls on my face as I find the first loop hole.

I continue to read the list, carefully....

For all the vehicles parked at or near the premises which can be identified as being associated with this location by keys, documents or statements. (Inside and all parts thereof)

And for the person known as Jordanne Robert Sheer who is believed to reside at the above residence.

I continue to read but Mr.Wellz' voice interrupts me.

"Satisfied?" is what I hear him ask.

My mind is busy finding all the loop holes I was told to seek out. Raising my index finger to silence him, I continue to read.

Toni-Anne presents herself beside me.

"You good?" her words find their way into my thoughts.

I don't answer....

In this moment it's just me, the warrant and my man's words.

"Mr.Wellz" are the words that leave my mouth next.

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