17|Mile High

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Jordanne's POV:

I watch Ryleigh exit the room in anger and I shake my head.

"Jordanne?" Sue whispers and I don't attempt to give her a response.

"Mum just direct Emily to the library, mah forward in a few" I slide to the edge of the bed and face palm myself.

Sue sighs and walks away leaving me to my thoughts.

*Emily no deserve this dawg..*

Shouldn't even start nothing with her from them time deh

*Jah Jah*

Standing to my feet, my eyes scan the night table for my spliff.

*Go without that fam*

Need fi be less reliant on it yes... but not today.

I walk to pick it up and move to the balcony to gather my thoughts. Leaning back in my chair with the spliff in my mouth and the lighter in my hands I puff as I try to get the flame going.

I hear a commotion downstairs and decide that if it's anything important Mum will let me know. I close my eyes leaning further back hoping for a clear head.

*Do the right thing for yourself bredda*

Might affi go with the flow fi keep the peace today and let her down easy when I get there?

Blame long distance?

*Dawg weh yah chat say? lol yah big man enuh... the Don at that*

Never even want that title this early on in life ...Jah know

"Jordanne! J'?!" I hear Ryleigh's voice moving toward me.

Wah'pn now

"Jordanne Toni a fight Emily enuh and not even Sue can part them!" she shouts

I hiss and get up putting out my spliff, regretting having let her in. The tension between her and Toni-Anne have been high since we got back to doing whatever we're doing.

Running down the stairs I see Joshua with Toni over his shoulders and Sue shielding Em'.

"Oh them finally pull them apart..." I hear Ryleigh mumble behind me.

"Let me go Josh! cause deh gyal yah must feel mi nah damage her today!" Toni screams kicking her feet and slapping Joshua's shoulder.

"T' buil... wah gwaan yah so?" I turn to Muuch who seems to be the only level headed person right now.

"Bwoiii Jordanne, Emily walk in and no say nothing to anybody but your mother. Then she ago basically bounce Toni while trying to pass go upstairs when you mother say a library she fi go.. go wait pah you. She say she nahgo no library cause she see Ryleigh a come from upstairs and a your room deh to the way she a walk from."

I cock my head to the side trying not to laugh.

"So Toni a try tell her" she continues while eating a bunch of grapes "...say she can't just storm upstairs like that, she has to respect the house and wait in the library like Mrs.Sheer said...and then Ryleigh go giggle" she chokes on a grape trying to not laugh in this moment.

I turn to look at Ryleigh behind me

Smh weh me ago do with her

*You love that ..no even pretend like*

"Yeah so you no know say Emily try offa Ryleigh when she giggle and before her hand leave her side good Toni floor her" she doubles over in laughter.

"Guys none of this is funny. You guys are young ladies and fighting at the least sign of disrespect is unbecoming. Yes Emily was wrong for not listening to my orders but.."

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